In the Brilliance of Exposure

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(a/n: spice ahead!! if that's not ur bag, skip the text between the asterisks!)

9:58am - November 25th, 1891: Hogsmeade Station

I spent the last few days working to push the potential uprising of Dark wizards to the back of my mind. Nothing was going to keep me from this trip with my friends. I deserved to do something for myself. Besides, other than taking the train, I'd never actually spent time in London. I was looking forward to meeting Poppy's gran and seeing Diagon Alley for the first time. However, even if I ignored the gnawing worry, there was still a bitterness clouding the experience. I didn't want to be away from Ominis.

It was a terribly chilly morning, but the girls and I packed light, as we knew we were going to be making the trek to the station on foot. We met at the North Entrance, and just as we were about to leave, I saw a familiar figure in the distance leaving the castle. I would recognize the silhouette anywhere - it was Ominis.

"Katherine!" He approached us rapidly as I looked at the girls in confusion. He wasn't pushing himself by any means; his gait was very long. The way the morning sunrays bounced off his figure, though, sent me spiraling. He was so incredibly beautiful.

"Shouldn't you be in Defence?" I half-shouted when he was within three meters or so. He wasn't even in uniform, so it was obvious he had other plans. Navy trousers with a high-collared shirt, a navy tie, and a beige sweater. Merlin, does he know how I and half the population of this school see him? Why does he do this to us? I scoffed under my breath.

By the time my train of thought finished, he had closed the gap between himself and us. "You thought I'd let you leave without a proper goodbye?" My face flushed as he said that, and the girls shared a knowing look.

"Sorry, Omi. Um... goodbye?"

"Good effort," he chuckled. "I'm escorting you three to the station, moonmind."

"If you must," I replied dramatically, flicking my hair behind my shoulder as I turned around.

Ominis caught up to me quickly though, insisting he take my case for me. I shot an annoyed look at the girls as he did so, and they both giggled. As we walked to the station, he, the girls, and I had a very colorful conversation about Crossed Wands.

"Prewett totally paid off Lucan to name him the champion our fourth year," Poppy complained.

"I share the sentiment. There's no conceivable way he could have beaten Sebastian without Lucan's ill-advised call during their final duel."

I was largely tuned out of the conversation, only picking out a phrase or two. I often forgot that everyone had four years' worth of experiences together that I couldn't have even imagined.

We arrived at the station as our train was approaching. Despite my earlier annoyance, I was actually quite happy Ominis was carrying my belongings. It made it much easier to cover my ears as the volume of the station quickly overwhelmed me. I felt my face scrunch as the locomotive blew its whistle for the final time before releasing the air brakes.

With a sigh of relief, I dropped my hands and reached for my suitcase back from the boy next to me. I took it in both my hands in front of me, and then he did something I didn't expect. He unbuttoned his sweater, took it off, and wrapped it around my shoulders. "You never dress warm enough, Katherine. I don't want you getting sick."

In my embarrassment, I turned to look over my shoulder and waved the girls onto the train car. Ominis took in a sharp breath and embraced me. I was completely thrown; this was the first time he had done something like this. Something resembling anger began welling inside me. Why was he so hot and cold with me? I shoved it down and allowed it, leaning in to reciprocate as my arms were currently attached to my luggage.

In the Brilliance of Longing | Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now