In the Brilliance of Formation

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10:04am - November 7th, 1891: The Map Chamber

I slipped quietly into the map chamber, calling upon the presence of all four portraits as I took my place between them. "Professors, I have assembled a new set of Keepers, as you asked." My voice was solemn, thinking about the journey ahead. I was happy to have my best friends beside me, but angry that we were the only ones capable of doing it. I resented having my fifth year stolen by the repository, and now it seemed it would take my sixth, too.

"Who have you chosen to stand alongside you, Ms. Hawthorne?" Professor Rackham asked.

"Natsai Onai of Gryffindor, Poppy Sweeting of Hufflepuff," I took a deep breath before the final name, "and Ominis Gaunt of Slytherin."

"A Gaunt?" Professor Rookwood called out.

I turned my head to face his portrait, specifically. "You should know better than anyone that a family name does not determine one's outlook or behavior. Ominis is nothing like those who bore him." Professor Fitzgerald and Professor Bakar nodded in agreement and Rookwood conceded.

"Very well. Do you trust-"

I interrupted Professor Rackham before he could finish, "With my life. With the world. Everything."

"Then they need to begin training at once, just as I had trained San, Niamh, and Charles. I have written a guide to such training; it can be found hidden within a chest beneath the floorboard in my old drawing room. It can only be unlocked by someone of our ability."

I nodded. "I will find it, professor." I paused for a moment, reconsidering what I was about to say. "But there's a new threat you all should be aware of."

"What would that be?" Bakar asked.

"The Dark magic has returned. The same used by Ranrok. I've seen traces of it held within the jewelry of strange witches and wizards. Instances have been few and far between, but they are growing in number nonetheless." When I finished, it felt as if I was finally admitting it to myself.

There was a heavy silence before Professor Fitzgerald asked, "Have you any idea where they could be coming from?"

"No. They seem to know I have something they want, though."

"Do as I told. When you have finished the new Keepers' training and feel as if you're ready, return here, all of you. In the meantime, we will discuss how to deal with the new threat."

I nodded, turned on my heel, and walked back to the door. Professor Fitzgerald called out her gratitude to me as I left, but it felt empty.

1:12pm: The Room of Requirement

I had just finished Anne's gown and sent her an owl to meet later in the day. As I was hanging it back in its garment bag, Deek came into the room.

"Hello! Deek wanted to let you know that Professor Weasley will be dropping by soon - with a gift!"

I approached my small friend. "For me?"

"Yes! She wants to surprise you with it, but Deek wanted to make sure you - and the Room - were prepared for visitors."

I smiled at him. "Yes, of course. Thank you, Deek. You're always so thoughtful."

Deek smiled and bowed then took his leave, Professor Weasley stepping in as soon as he left. She set something in the small corridor that leads into the Room before she stepped into the light.

"Katherine! Wonderful that I run into you here, though I did plan to leave it as a surprise for you to find later." She smiled, immediately retracing her steps and bringing in a large covered frame, nearly twice as wide as she was and nearly half as tall.

In the Brilliance of Longing | Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now