In the Brilliance of the Fall

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(a/n: everybody thank whatever entity took over my body and wrote this. enjoy the fluff! the plot is gonna start coming in in the next few chapters and well, read the tags i guess. desperate for (constructive) criticism. if there's anything I can do better lmk! ttfn.)

4:46 am - August 20th, 1891: The Room of Requirement

I knew the second I awoke from the nap on the Hogwarts Express that I would regret it. Surprisingly enough, I was able to catch a few hours of sleep once I had settled into my dormitory, but something woke me up before the sun and there was no hope for a reprisal. I decided to just chalk up the loss of sleep and go ahead and prepare for my day.

The best part of being back at Hogwarts so early was not having to share the bathroom. Normally, the combination of hot steamy air and cold wet floor sends my stomach into knots and the smell of everyone's products and perfumes drives me mad. Instead, I was able to draw a warm bath and complete my morning routine without my brain chattering away. After an internal struggle while dressing myself (I settled on a similar outfit to yesterday's, with a honey brown skirt and a sage blouse), I grabbed my satchel and headed to the Room.

Deek had watched my plants and vivariums for me over the summer holiday. I think I must have startled him with my early return, as he gave a small shriek as I opened the door. I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. "Hello, Deek. I apologize for my intrusion. It seems I've made an unexpected return."

"Deek is very happy to see you, young friend! Deek apologizes for his reaction, he did not expect a visitor at this hour." I looked around as Deek was speaking to me, the place is just as I had left it nearly two months ago, a perfect representation of my style. Eclectic cottage botanical chic- or something like that. I never was good at describing myself and my tastes, but the Room seemed to know me well enough.

"That's quite alright, Deek, no need to apologize," I told him, giving him a reassuring nod. "I couldn't fall back asleep, so I thought I would brush up on some skills before the term begins."

Deek bowed his head, "By all means!" before walking himself out.

Finally alone, I turned to my left and walked down into the second wing the Room had created for me. I used this area mostly to relax, but I did transfigure all my planters in the center to take full advantage of the skylight above. Walking between them, I was beelining for a round wooden table with a plush armchair directly ahead. I sat down, got comfortable, and pulled out my tarot deck. Last year, I realized I had a gift for divination. Professor Onai believed I may possess an inner eye - that I may be a seer if I put more effort into divination. I hadn't a clue what I wanted to do after graduation so I may as well practice what I'm good at in the meantime.

I shuffled my deck four times before pulling six cards. I had no need for the past, so I was only looking to the present and future. Representing the now, the eight of cups, the star, and the four of wands reversed. Upheaval, transience, but not without hope. Fitting. Representing the near, the knight of swords, ten of swords, and the wheel of fortune. This confused me. A quick turn toward inevitable collapse? Recounting the memories of Ranrok and Rookwood my breath caught in my throat. I could feel my chest tightening. I muttered curses under my breath as I pulled a clarification card: the tower. Disaster.

I took a couple of shaky breaths to calm myself. Divination was not an exact science. My connection with my cards may be faltering after not using them over the break, or maybe I'm just misreading them. Maybe I'm still too traumatized from the previous year's extracurricular activities and it's swaying my reading. I took my quill and scratched down the cards, my interpretations, my fears, and potential explanations in a journal. Once classes began, I would ask Professor Onai for her help. Until then, I was going to make the conscious decision not to let the reading bother me.

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