In the Brilliance of Confrontation

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(a/n: hi again! so i updated the tags, and there is a solo explicit scene in this chapter just fyi. i've marked the beginning and end of the scene with three asterisks in case y'all aren't into it. i'll place similar warnings in all future chapters as well!

this will be my last update for about a week as i move apartments btw! i'll still be writing, so hopefully when I come back I'll be able to rapid fire some updates.
thanks for the love y'all, I really appreciate it! ttfn. :] )


I was below the castle. I'm not sure what happened, but I was trying to fix the repository when dark magic began swirling around me. I stopped casting and looked around me. Ominis, Natty, and Poppy were all casting toward the repository as well, but they couldn't see the dark magic. I called for them to stop, but it was too late.

I watched as the stream of blue magic coming from the tips of their wands became encapsulated in dark magic. It started near the repository and then crept up the stream of light until it reached their wands.

"Stop! Stop casting!"

The repository was shaking, becoming more and more unstable.

Natty yelled back, "We can't! It'll be destroyed if we stop!"

I watched in panic as the darkness finally reached their fingertips, crawled up their arm, and to their faces. It worked its way into every orifice of my friends, and I watched as all their eyes turned.

They stopped casting now, all three falling to their knees. I ran to Natty as she was closest to me. A twisted grin was on her face as a single tear fell from her cheek.

"Please, all of you, get up! We have to go!" I pleaded with them, but I knew it was for naught. The repository was grumbling now, the entire cavern shaking. Only one thought played in my mind, 'We were too late.'

I ran to Ominis next, pulling him from the ground. "Please, love, we have to go. Please. " I was weeping at this point, shaking as I watched Ominis seemingly look at me for the first time. His eyes had the same tinge of red as the others, but something about him was different. He placed his hand on my face and wiped my tears, before dropping his hand and falling to the ground.

I ran to Poppy last. "Poppy, let's go, please." They had all fallen to the ground with Ominis. I grabbed her arm, moving her yellow and black robe to the side. I barely moved her when the shaking of the tavern got worse. Then an ear-piercing blast.

I woke up with a gasp, drenched in sweat. My silk sheets reminded me that I was safe in my dormitory. The room was filled with the blue-black glow of pre-dawn. I got up quietly, not wanting to fall back asleep into that dream.

I had hoped I hadn't woken anyone, but Samantha's sleepy voice rang through the room. "Are you alright, Kitty?"

"Hm, yes, I'm fine. Just a nightmare."

5:12am - September 14th, 1891: Ravenclaw Common Room

It had been over a week since I had spoken to the silver trio. I would be lying if I said I didn't mean to avoid them, but my feelings toward the Slytherin boys were complicated, to say the least. Ominis hasn't spoken to me since that day in the Undercroft, and Sebastian has been after me like I'm his prey, approaching me in class, in the halls, in the library. I was spending a lot of time in the Room trying to keep away from him. Anne, well, she's been keeping Ominis distracted.

I walked into the bathroom and drew myself a bath. I closed the curtain, undressed, and stepped into the water, listening to the gentle splashes surrounding me. I looked down at my body through the liquid, staring at the scar Sebastian gave me last year.

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