In the Brilliance of Memoriam

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3:53am - September 22nd, 1891: Hogwarts Dungeons

I walked out of the map chamber, a lump forming in my throat. Professor Fig was my biggest support last year and now without him, I didn't know who to turn to. I didn't feel prepared whatsoever to create a new set of Keepers, and I still had qualms about bringing my friends into this mess.

I walked slowly through the dungeons, a chill grazing over my bare skin. I had left in such a rush I was in nothing but my nightdress, and the cool air of the dungeons was a bit too much for me. Between the temperature, my being exposed, and the emotional turmoil I was in, I became overwhelmed. I walked over to the sleeping dragon statue and sat on its ledge, feeling completely numb.

I stayed for what felt like hours, but I was abruptly taken out of my trance by the sound of footsteps. I quickly cast the disillusionment charm, not wanting a prefect to catch me in nothing but my pyjamas. I took slow, deep breaths and tried to duck out of the way before whoever it was would see me.

"Katherine? Where are you?" I recognized the voice, it was Ominis. There he stood, in all his grace, more casual than I'm used to seeing him. He was in simple black trousers and a white undershirt, covered with an oversized chunky knit grey and green cardigan. His hair wasn't perfectly slicked back as usual and it messily fell across his forehead. How I yearned to see him like this more often. I stood up, recalling the disillusionment charm.

"Ominis? What are you doing up at this hour?"

"Time means very little to me, love. I'm blind, I sleep when I so choose. The light has no effect. More importantly, what are you doing awake? Are you alright?"

I wasn't alright. I was angry at the Keepers, sad that Professor Fig was dead, scared that the repository was going to break open at a moment's notice. I was more concerned at the moment with my friend, however. "How did you know I was here?"

He shrugged, "I'm not sure. I was restless so I went for a walk around the castle." He walked a step closer to me, "You didn't answer. Are you alright?"

The lump in my throat became more noticeable and I swallowed hard at his concern for me. "I'm a bit cold."

He continued stepping toward me taking off his cardigan. He held it out for me to take. The shirt beneath was tight against his chest, and in the shadowy dungeon, he looked heavenly. I had become keenly aware of my indecency in front of him, but I chose to not draw attention to it and just take his sweater. I quickly put it on, nearly sighing a breath of relief that it fit me.

My white nightdress reached my mid-calf, so the buttoned sweater over it gave me some sense of decency. I could get away with it at this hour, but I still hoped no one else would see me. The cardigan was surprisingly soft, and it still had the warmth of the boy it came from, instantly ridding me of my chill. Once my senses readjusted, I took in the new scent that surrounded me. It was like a sunny autumn morning, the dew still on the ground and freshly fallen leaves swirling about the air. My daydreams were interrupted, however.

"Why are you down here?"

I looked up at the boy, deciding how I should answer him. "I had a nightmare. Just wanted to walk it off where no one would find me."

Ominis didn't seem convinced, but he didn't push it. "Let's get you back to bed then." He held out his arm, and I took it. He walked me all the way back up to my common room with heavy silence between us. As he bid me goodnight he lingered a moment longer, as if deciding what to do next.

I let go of his arm and began walking for the door, but he reached out and grabbed my hand, stopping me. I looked back at him. "Yes, Ominis?"

He let go of me, giving me a half smile and shaking his head. "Nevermind. Get some sleep, love." I turned back around and made my way into my common room, letting to door shut behind me.

In the Brilliance of Longing | Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now