In the Brilliance of Three

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5:21pm - August 31, 1891: Hogwarts Grounds

Anne Sallow had made her return to Hogwarts. It took me a moment to recognize her. She was no longer the frail, lifeless girl I met last year. Her eyes were no longer sunken in and she was glowing. She beamed as she turned toward us, walking without pain. She was cured.

I smiled back at her. As she approached, I realized she wasn't smiling at me, she was smiling at Ominis. Of course she would be, the last day they saw each other was the day that Sebastian killed their uncle. They never did get a proper goodbye.

I was so shocked by the girl's return that I didn't realize Ominis was already up, running toward her, "Anne?! Anne, is that really you?!"

As soon as they met, she grabbed both his hands and put them on her face for him to feel. "Yes Ominis, it's me." He was feeling her almost frantically as if he were starving and she was his first meal in ages. He pulled her into a tight embrace, and I watched as he buried his face in her neck, shaking.

Just then, Sebastian returned. "Imelda told me she-" He was looking at me, puzzled that Ominis had left. I looked at him, my mouth slightly open in shock, and pointed to Anne and Ominis.

He didn't take any time to register what was happening - it was instantaneous. He was gone in a flash, bounding toward his twin sister. "Anne!" He pulled Ominis off her and took her by the shoulders, leaning down to look her in the face.

I couldn't make out what he said to her, but she nodded and smiled at him before hugging him. Ominis stood by, a smile plastered across his face as he listened to his two best friends reunite. It took me a few minutes before I worked up the courage to approach the three. When I did, they were buzzing about how happy they were to see Anne cured.

"Hello Anne, it's wonderful to see you back at Hogwarts," I started.

"Kitty, It's good to see you as well." She looked at me, her smile faltering slightly. I was trying to wrap my head around how she could possibly be better. My ancient magical ability was the closest thing we ever found to a cure, and Sebastian spent the entire year researching every possibility - so much so that he turned to the Dark Arts in desperation.

"You look lovely, Anne. I'm very happy to see that you're feeling better!"

She let out a soft hum. "Thank you, Kitty." I wasn't adept at picking up social cues, but something in her tone told me she didn't really want me around. "Well boys, do you think you could help me carry my things to the common room? I don't have much, but I'm still regaining my strength."

They both leaped into action, taking her satchel, case, and chest from her hands. Sebastian would obviously want to help his sister, as he quite literally killed for her, but something in the way Ominis completely left me without even a goodbye made my stomach turn. I wasn't going to hold it against them, however. After all, she just returned unannounced, cured of a curse that we previously believed incurable. Watching them walk away though, I had a nagging feeling that our dynamic was beginning to evolve.

1:48pm - September 1st, 1891: Ravenclaw Common Room

I sat around the fireplace, reading some poetry to pass the time. I never quite understood the appeal of poetry; prose tended to be much more straightforward and understandable. Black and white. Sometimes though, especially on days like today, I craved the greyness of poetry that validated my emotions in a way prose couldn't. I craved the metaphor which would say what I felt without saying what I felt. Offer me protection under the guise of artistic expression. Ever unsatisfied searching for my own words amongst others, I put the book back on the shelves that lined our common room walls.

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