In the Brilliance of the Before

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(a/n: hey yall! just a few things:

2) follow me on tiktok if you haven't already! @cottagcoreunderscore for the most *chef's kiss* ai audios from the story
3) this will be the last update for at least a week, unfortunately. i'm flying back home and won't have access to my pc to edit and publish, but i'll still be working on the story! hopefully we'll get a couple updates back to back once i've returned
4) i'm still writing a chapter ahead, and the next one is thicc and juicy; i apologize this one is a tad scrappy, it took so long to publish bc chapter 13 took so damn long to write
ok, enjoy!! ttfn.)

8:24am - November 1st, 1891: Ravenclaw Common Room

The night previous was a blur as I mulled it over in my mind. I remembered my dance partner, the potion, the dark magic traces, passing out. I still hadn't a clue how I got back to my bed. Ominis' sweater... how could he have gotten me back and taken care of me though? I was changed into my nightclothes, my hair was braided. Things just were not making sense.

I had just sent owls to Natty and Poppy explaining that I have yet to pick another person to help us with the repository, so we were at a standstill for the moment. I didn't know how to explain in a letter that I've had two instances of seeing strangers with dark magic since the term began, so I put off that detail for a later time.

I was now sitting at a wizard chess table next to the large windows in my common room, pretending to preoccupy myself with it. I was probably the only Ravenclaw who didn't know how to play chess, but luckily none of my housemates ever asked me to join them. As I stared at the pieces, willing them to move, I had the sinking feeling that there was more than just the broken repository to worry about. Seeing the dark magic once could have been my imagination, but being surrounded by it last night made me believe there was a much more sinister plot happening.

That's when the memory dawned on me, and realization struck. The woman who served me that final potion. She had that necklace. She was part of this.

I was suddenly feeling very nauseous when Samantha approached me at my table. "You seemed to have had quite the evening last night, Kitty," she said playfully. "Did you have fun at the masquerade? I know I did."

I tried to wave the anxiety away with a laugh. "Yeah! It was mad." I leaned toward her, lowering my voice, "But... how did I get home?"

She looked at me perplexed. "You don't remember? Anne brought you home! You were conscious," she laughed," but certainly not here. You were a riot! She and I both helped you get ready for bed."

I forced a laugh at her story and thanked her for her help. I dismissed myself when she asked for a game of chess, saving me from further embarrassment.

As I walked back to my dormitory, I questioned Anne's motives. I wanted to believe she was being helpful; maybe she had begun to see me as a friend as well. However, I wondered why she chose to leave Ominis' sweater instead of giving it back as I asked. Did the sweater ever even make it back to him? As I walked into my room, I looked at the garment as it lay crumpled on the bed.

I grabbed and folded it. I took it to a nearby desk and wrapped it in parchment, tying some of my ribbon around it in a pretty bow, and sent it back to him via owl.

4:08pm - November 3rd, 1891: Charms Classroom

I walked into Charms and went straight to my seat next to Garreth. I paid no mind to either Sebastian or Ominis, who were once again sitting with one another. Garreth had actually written that he had answers for me, but he would like to discuss it in person. I spotted the mop of ginger hair the moment I walked in and quickly took my seat next to him, eager to get a step closer to finding out who - or what - Ominis heard.

In the Brilliance of Longing | Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now