In the Brilliance of Perspective

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(a/n: i am so sorry i stepped away for a while, life just kinda got in the way

i can't promise things will be as consistent as they were but i appreciate everyone's support as i try to work writing back into my daily habits
here's a gift for your continued patience:

August, 1891 -
September, 1891 -
October, 1891 -
November, 1891 -

more to follow as i continue writing
enjoy, ttfn!)


It was an autumn afternoon, and as the crisp air embraced me with its chill and the distinct scent of the season tingled my senses, the sun cast its gentle warmth upon my face. Each step homeward was accompanied by the rhythmic crunch of fallen leaves underfoot. As I approached, the familiar aroma of our home filled the air, offering me a tranquil, serene ambience.

Once outside our small abode, the scent grew richer and more enticing. Notes of savory delights permeated the surroundings: fresh bread, succulent meats, vibrant vegetables, and an array of spices. My hand found solace in the carved lever doorhandle and I ventured inside. There, my ears were once again blessed with the sound of her angelic voice.

"Omi, you're home! Dinner is almost ready." A smile illuminated my face as my wand led me to her. She was attending the stove, and I could hear the gentle simmering of her culinary prowess as it filled the air with a tantalizing aroma. As I drew nearer, the warmth of the hearth embraced me, dispelling the chill I'd gotten on my journey home.

I withdrew my wand into my coat pocket and, with a subtle grace, snaked my arm around her, taking my rightful place at her side. "Hello, my love," I whispered softly. "I missed you terribly today."

She chuckled in response, the melodic and enchanting sound reverberating through our small kitchen. Merlin, how I cherished the moments I could coax such a reaction from her. It was an unwavering pursuit of mine. "Honey, you say that every day. How were your classes? Did your students behave?"

I leaned forward and placed three kisses atop her head in succession. "They were fine, love, but I'm more excited about being home with you for the long weekend." My hand slid down her waist, my hand finding where her hip met her thigh. Simply touching her was an experience I'd never get used to - she was unimaginably soft, and I was enamored with the way her gentle curves guided my hands downward still. Unable to resist the temptation, I squeezed the supple flesh on the side of her hip, prompting a loud squeal followed by her infectious giggle. "Mr. Hawthorne!," She turned and playfully swatted me out of the kitchen.

I knew our home as well as my wand's worn handle, so I no longer required its guidance within these walls. Making my way to the sofa, I settled down and found solace in the presence of our cherished, yet often annoying, feline companion. "Did she banish you from the kitchen as well, Marmalade?" I murmured loud enough to catch Katherine's ear, with a touch of amusement in my voice.

Marmalade mewed in response just as I was awoken by Nurse Blainey. I was forcibly transported from my dream into the nightmare that had recently become my reality. I was sitting in a wooden chair next to Katherine's bed in the Hospital Wing, the sterile smell instantly making me wish I had cherished the surroundings of my dream while I was still there.

4:55pm - December 3rd, 1891: The Hospital Wing

"Ominis, visiting hours are almost over." My eyes fluttered open, and a surge of anxiety as the weight of our predicament crashed upon me once again. Katherine was still hurt, still unconscious. For the past three days, I had dedicated most of my free time to her side, ensuring one of our friends was there when I couldn't be.

In the Brilliance of Longing | Ominis GauntWhere stories live. Discover now