Chapter 2- First Impressions

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After a two day journey, I had finally arrived. Right in front of me was the Hogwarts Castle. It was magnificent. The tall structure almost blended with the night sky which was now twinkling with tiny stars. I walked forward until I reached the gate, I tried to open it but it just wouldn't budge. Then suddenly, I felt a hand grab me from my already torn shirt and drag me through the gate. It was too dark to see the figure but there was a cat at his heels and it hissed at me.

We then arrived into the castle and soon , the man opened the door and shoved me forwards and I fell onto my knees, then I looked up and I saw that I was in a hall, a huge one, there were 4 tables each wore different colours, red, yellow, blue, and green. At the end of the room was a large horizontal table with many teachers, each sitting on a chair, I began observing my surroundings, I immediately became aware of my blood stained clothes, bloodstained hair which matched perfectly with my dark red hair that complemented my hazel eyes, I got back up on my feet when finally the man who dragged me into this hall spoke, " Dumbledore! I found one of your filthy students outside the castle, trying to break rules now are we? Ha well not on my watch!" I ignored the man to my right and instead focused on the man in the center of the room. I looked closely at the man, he had a long white beard and wore purple robes and he looked at me through his half moon spectacles. I instantly recognized him as Dumbledore.

"Thank you Mr.Filch" replied Dumbledore, then he turned to face me "Now to what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked looking unfazed.
"Hello sir - Dumbledore I just wanted to talk to you about something important, I am not a student here but I desperately need your help you are the only option I have" I felt helpless, but he really was the only option I had, but just as my eyes began wandering around the Hall, he spoke again.
"Come here please"
I began walking awkwardly towards the front, hundreds of eyes staring straight into my soul, I finally had approached after what had felt like hours, and he gave me a small smile, and I returned it.

He motioned for the teacher next to him, " Minerva, do you mind if you escort this young lady to my office?" He asked her nicely, the professor nodded and motioned for me to come with her. As we walked through the Hall, I let my eyes wander freely, and instantly, I had spotted Harry. Harry Potter. My brother.

We locked eyes and I immediately looked away scared because I hadn't planned on meeting Harry, at least not yet.

Then we arrived at the front of the office door, the professor said the password and we walked through, she led me to a chair and motioned for me to sit. Then she finally spoke, " Hello dear, I will need to you to stay put here until Professor Dumbledore comes, please might I remind you not to touch anything."
"Yes of course" I replied nervously.
I contemplated asking her who she was, and I finally gave in, " Who are you? If you don't mind me asking." She gave me a small smile and replied, " I am Professor Mcgonagall, I teach transfiguration here at The School Of Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry.",  She proudly, and with that she just left.

That was weird I thought to myself.
"Why did she stare at you like that" asked Hermione, I shrugged, the bloodstained girl looked at me like she knew me but I just couldn't recognize her, she had mid length red hair and bloodstained clothes and had hazel eyes. If I didn't know better, I would have thought she was a Weasly.
Suddenly out of no where came a voice and Harry was relieved to see that it was only Ron, since that Dementor attack on the train, he had been very paranoid and on edge, "Who wouldn't recognize Harry, he's well, just Harry, The Boy Who Lived, I'm surprised she didn't just go up there and hug him right there and then" said Ron with a mouthful of food in his mouth. 

Hermione just looked at Ron with disgust, clearly cringing at his mouth full of food. I decided not to think of if much and I let my mind wander off to the fact that school was tomorrow and I looked down at my timetable, and low and behold the first two lessons was double potions, I sighed in disappointment and began eating miserably.

After what seemed like hours, Dumbledore finally came into the room. I stood up immediately stretching out my arm to shake his hand. He immediately shook my hand back and motioned for me to sit down.

There was an awkward silence until Dumbledore finally broke the silence. "So, who are you young lady?"
"My name is Lana, Lana Lily Potter", I believe you know my brother, Harry?"
"Yes I do indeed, but may I ask how you came to the conclusion that you are his sister? And also why you are covered in blood?" He asked curiously.

"Well sir if I'm being honest it's a long story and I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear it all", I said embarrassed glowing bright red.
"No, no, no, I would love to hear it" He said amused.

"Oh, um - all right then", " Well my mother, Lily Potter found out she was pregnant with me when Harry was around 6 months old and I was just three months old in the womb, she had found out that I was a girl and told my father James Potter, however about a week after she found out, I had disappeared from her womb, and I was placed in another womb using really dark magic that  Voldemort had used, Voldemort had found out about me and thought that he could use me to find out information through my mind, he thought me and Harry would have a connection, and the womb I was placed in was a woman named Molly Weasly, who at the time was also pregnant, but her biological child was killed and I was out in his place, and so 6 months later I was born, however, the nurse that had helped birth me was a Death Eater and stole me and gave me to Voldemort, and since then, I have been raised by Death Eaters who claimed I had powers, and by orders of Voldemort they should help me control them and use them to help Voldemort kill Harry. And just two days ago I had escaped from a Death Eater who had raised me for 5 years, his name is Cadmus Dread, he had died and so I ran away, and as for the blood, that's my own, it's from torture."

I was talking so quickly I had forgotten to breath. I looked at Dumbledores' stunned expression, he then asked me " So what is it you need help with Miss Potter?"
I paused for a moment, no one ever had called me Miss Potter and suddenly I felt like I had more confidence. Then I remembered that Dumbledore had asked a question, " Oh yes, um, I need a protection spell to protect me from the Death Eaters that would come after me and I would also like a job, so that I can earn some money to live on my own"

He looked at me, a large beaming smile forming at his lips.
"You know, I remember when your parents came here and talked to me about their 'lost child', I always thought you had died, and fortunately I was wrong".
All I managed to say was "Really, they told you?" I asked curiously,
"Yes of course they were very fond of you and were very disappointed when they found out you disappeared, they searched high and low for answers but eventually they couldn't find any answers so they came to me, I told them that I would help them, but by the time I was to see them again, they were dead."

I was in shock, I never really thought my parents knew I existed, I always just thought that they never found out about me, the thought made my heart flutter with joy and a large smile appeared on my face.
"As for the help you need, I will gladly allow you to stay the night, and allow you to shower and borrow some clothes and I will see what job I can prepare for you, and as for protection, you won't need it until you are out of Hogwarts." He said beaming.
"Thank you so much professor, it means a lot thank you!"
"You will be situated in the Gryffindor common room, there is an extra bed in the girls dormitory, come I will take you there."

I walked alongside Dumbledore until we reached a portrait of a The Fat Lady, and she asked for the password and Dumbledore replied with "Fortuna Major", and the door opened, Dumbledore then faced me and began to speak, " In the common room there will be two staircases one leading up to the girls dormitory and one to the boys, walk up to the right side of the stairs and go up to level 3 and find the number 9, there you will find an empty bed, that will be your bed for the night, and just outside here on the left is outside the common room there is the bathroom , there will be all your clothes which are borrowed from the lost and found box and don't worry I cleaned them" he said with a light chuckle "and a couple of products to wash up."
"Thank you so much, really! This is better than I have ever dreamed of!"
"Of course" he said with a smile.
" All right, I'll leave you to it then, good night"
And I entered the common room.

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