Chapter 16- Tomorrow

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Summer is coming to an end.
There was about a week and a couple days left of Summer.
I was due to go and see the Weasleys in a couple days.
I sat in my room packing my belongings.
My hair was shorter than before, I decided to cut it off simply for a change.
I was wearing a white tank top with green sweatpants.
I mostly spent the summer sleeping, training my powers, and occasionally even having a conversation with Snape.
I know it's crazy I can't even believe it myself, I thought Snape couldn't talk like a normal wizard.
Turns out he can!
I got many letters from Harry and Ginny, and occasionally some from Hermione.
Snape had gifted me an owl over the summer. I know I'm just as surprised.
He said he had owned an owl he never used, but he simply took care of it but didn't need it so he wanted to give it to me, he told me to consider it as a birthday gift, the owls name was Kalon.
Before long, Kalon barged into my room, with another owl trailing behind him.
Kalon was a beautiful dark owl with dark feathers that seemed to glow dark blue in the moonlight. He had vibrant green eyes which reminded me a lot of Harry's and Mums eyes.
The other owl came it my room. With a letter tied to its talon.
I undid the tie that held the note, I pet the bird a little bit, and in a matter of seconds it flew next to the window waiting for the note it was about to receive to deliver back.
I looked at the note I received.
It looked different, I knew no one who sent their mail with green wax as their seal.
I looked closer at the seal and realized that it said 'Edilores'.
I immediately knew who this was from.
It was from Lavia, a friend I made in Slytherin in my third year.
I opened the envelope and read the note.

Hello Lana,
It's me Lavia. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I know it's quite random but I thought that maybe I'd get to know you better.
Hope your summers going well.
I hope to see you on September first!
Yours sincerely
Lavia Edilore

I quickly got up from the floor and got a piece of parchment and began writing a note back.

Hello Lavia,
Thank you for asking, I'm doing great.
I think it's a great idea to get to know each other better, it would be nice to have a Slytherin friend who won't accuse me of fraternizing with the enemy every day as according to Malfoy.
I hope your summers going well too.
See you soon Lavia.
Your Only Slythindor friend.
Lana Potter

I finished writing the note and tied it to her Lavias owls talon and I let it fly away into the night sky.
It was only then that I realized that Kalon also had a note for me.
I untied it and I immediately recognized the note. It was from the Weasleys. I excitedly opened up the letter and it read

Hello Lana,
It Ginny! Im so excited to tell you, we are coming to pick you up tomorrow evening by floo network I know we said that we'd pick you up in a couple of days but a change of plans has happened, we got tickets to the Quidditch World Cup! Can you believe it! And guess what you're coming along.
Anyways thought that I'd just let you know.
Im not going to put that fancy yours sincerely stuff on there, I think this byeee with many e's is good enough.

I smiled broadly at her letter, finally I get to leave.
Don't get me wrong, it wasn't too bad here, but I had no one to talk to and all I did was train my powers, which was effective to a certain extent. I can do telekinesis and I can make things catch on fire or I can make them freeze. I can control the weather, well sort of.
I can even change my appearance to a certain limit.
However boring old Snivellus won't let me use them unless we were training.
Honestly Snape had begun to grow on me.
We live in his house which is a 2 story house, quite unusual for a man who is quite literally lonely all the time. My room was on the top floor, it was a minimalistic room, the walls were a dark green colour with a simple chandelier which provided a warm yellow light. Then when you walked to the center of the room, my bed sat comfortably under the warm light. The covers were an off white colour, it was a single bed and it was very comfortable. And parallel to the bed was a small wardrobe with mirrors attached to the front of it. And in the left of the room was a window and on the right was the door. I also had a desk which was by the window which I rarely used since I wasn't doing homework ever.
It was almost dinner time, I decided to feed Kalon and give him some water, and finish packing up my clothes for me to leave tomorrow evening. I hadn't expected to leave early, I would have to inform Snape about it tonight during dinner.
I walked out of my room and went downstairs and began setting the table.
Suddenly, the door burst open.
One thing I realized is that Snape's always making an entrance, no matter where or when, and it guarantees you a heart attack every time.
"Good Evening" I said.
"Evening Miss Potter" he said sternly.
"May I ask what we're eating tonight?" I asked politely.
"Pizza, we will be eating Pizza" he said.
"I thought you didn't like pizza?" I said, "you always talk about what a stupid food it is" I added.
"Well I changed my mind, I would like to try it" he replied.
After that we sat in silence waiting patiently for the pizza.
I decided to break the silence by asking him about going to the Weasleys.
"Um, Professor, the Weasleys asked me to go and live with them at the burrow till the end of the summer, they want me to leave tomorrow" I said in more of a demanding tone rather than asking him permission, we had a deal anyways, I get to spend the last week with the Weasleys.
"When tomorrow?" He asked.
"Tomorrow evening, by floo network" I said.
"Alright, are you packed up and ready?" He asked.
I nodded, and he returned his focus to the book he was reading.
"I would also just like to say thank you, for helping me control my powers and letting me into your home despite you never knowing me, I truly appreciate it" I said sincerely.
I really did appreciate it. He has given me a place to live and an incredible summer, I mean compared to a summer with Cadmus Dread, I prefer this one.
"You're welcome Miss Potter" he said, before he once again diverted his attention back to his book.
I decided to also read, so I sat down on the sofa opposite of the sofa he was sitting on and grabbed a book from the bookshelf and began reading until the food came.
I couldn't wait till tomorrow, I couldn't contain my excitement. It will be fantastic.

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