Chapter 10- Training For Death

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Wednesday came quicker than expected.
I went to the bathroom, then got dressed and
I walked out of the Slytherin common room, and on my way down the stairs I for the first time noticed the quidditch poster on the wall, it read, 'Slytherin Quidditch Team' and I saw my name on the paper, I made the team!
Ha, bet Draco won't be too happy.

After the long day of class I decided that I would get a change of scenery so, I headed to the Gryffindor common room.
I saw Harry Hermione and Ron sitting in a corner. I had managed to avoid them since Sunday and even though we had the same schedule as I was following, I had successfully managed to avoid them.
They seemed to be having a really important conversation, then Harry came rushing towards me.
"Hey Lana, can I talk to you for a moment?"
I really didn't want to talk, honestly since that 'you're the Forgotten Soul' incident with Dumbledore, I'm not exactly all positive.
"Sure but make it quick" I said hurriedly.
"Alright, last Sunday I went to Hogsmeade and I overheard some important information I thought you should know" he said.
He looked at me intently, "Sirius Black is my Godfather" he said.
I stared at him as if he had just stated the obvious.
"Yeah I know Harry, I thought you knew, I grew up with Death Eaters remember, and on top of that I saw you sneaking off to Hogsmeade, you should try being more secretive" I said.
He looked at me like he had been betrayed.
"You knew?" He said.
"Yeah and I also know the whole betrayal story and all" I said dryly.
" Anyways I have got to go, see you later?"
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"Nowhere that concerns you" I said and I left without saying another word.

I walked back to Ron and Hermione. I didn't have time to ask Lana about that thing with Dumbledore, but she seemed quite rude and closed off.
As I sat down next to Ron, Hermione began to speak, "So, how did she take it?" She asked.
"She knew" was all I said, " she said that she thought Dumbledore had told me".
"Oh" said Ron.
"Can I just say something" said Hermione,
me and Ron nodded.
"Has any of you noticed she has been a bit distanced, I mean she is always distanced but now she's like extra distanced?"
"Yeah, she has been hasn't she Harry?" Said Ron.
"I think I know why", I began to explain to them everything that had happened before I had snuck off to Hogsmeade and what I had seen including the incident in the common room.
"Bloody hell Harry!" Said Ron in surprise.
"I'm not surprised" said Hermione, "She definitely has something and whether that is powers or something else, he-who-must-not-be named wanted her and I'm sure he has a reason" she continued.
Then it suddenly hit me, "guys today is Wednesday, she would be having that meeting with Dumbledore now! No wonder why she was rushing when I was talking to her" I said.
"Well, I know this is considered nosy and I would never join in on something so personally invading but this is important, come on, let's go" said Hermione with a guilty expression.
We all got up and left to the Great Hall.

When we arrived, we all peered into the Great Hall, there she was, standing with Dumbledore in front of her.
Then they seemed to continue their conversation.
"Just like I said alright, it's all about control, remember happy thoughts" Dumbledore said.
Lana nodded and stepped back, before she began whatever it was she was going to do, she spoke to Dumbledore,
"If anything goes wrong, please Professor don't hesitate to stun me" she added worriedly, Dumbledore nodded at her and so she walked back, she closed her eyes, with her arms slightly lifted at her sides, and then, slowly, the same blue lights I had seen before began circling her hands, they grew brighter and brighter until suddenly a huge surge of power was felt and it was accompanied with a deafening bang, the blue lights began to spread everywhere in the shape of cracks, Lana slowly opened her eyes and they glowed bright blue, this didn't last long though until the lights slowly began to turn red, Hermione gasped and whispered so only me and Ron could hear, "The second half" she muttered.
Me and Ron looked at her confused but before she could explain, a voice came from the hall, "Ah, you must be Dumbledore, we meet at last" said Lana, but it didn't sound like her, there was an uncomfortable silkiness in her voice.
"Voldemort would be proud, I get to finally finish the job he started and kill that brat Harry, it's like he just won't die don't you agree?" she cackled. Dumbledore continued to stare at her unbothered.
"But I'll make sure he is dead." She added with amusement in her voice.
"You still can't use them, your powers, this is your first time ever appearing, you're that 'weapon' Voldemort wants, but you're still too weak" said Dumbledore calmly.
"Well spotted Dumbledore, but that doesn't mean I won't try" Lana added.
And with that she pushed one of her arms forward and began throwing red energy blasts at Dumbledore.
Then Dumbledore yelled "Stupefy!" And just like that, Lana was stunned, it had ended quicker than it had started.
I was going to walk into the Hall but was pulled back by Hermione and Ron.
Dumbledore then approached Lana and muttered a spell under his breath and water came out if his wand and it splashed all over Lana. She gasped and got up, her red hair soaked and her soft delicate features contorted into a worried expression.
"Are you alright? Asked Dumbledore.
"Yes I think so, are you alright professor?" Asked Lana.
"Don't worry about me, I'll be well" he said while he did a spell to dry Lana.
"Thanks" Lana replied.
Dumbledore then took a seat next to Lana.
" Can I ask you some questions Lana?" Asked Dumbledore.
"Yes of course Professor." Lana replied.
"Would you mind talking about your experience with the Death Eaters? I think that that would help me understand how to control your powers if I found out more about your past"
"Um are you sure? I would think that many would be too uncomfortable and I think all they would do is pity me" Lana said.
"I'm sure Lana, and you can start by telling me anything, any moment or experience, I'm all ears." Said Dumbledore comfortingly.
"Well alright, there was this one time where the Death Eater that I lived with, Cadmus Dread, decided to put me in the wilderness without any help or resources, all he had given me was a bow and arrow, he left me in the forest for 2 months, he never bothered to check up on me, he thought I was miserable, but it was quite the opposite, I was eating, moving and enjoying myself more than I did in his captivity, when he found this out he took me back in and continued with his torture methods. And from that experience I had mastered archery. These were the happiest 2 months of my life." she smiled to herself.
"And what were his usual torture methods?" Dumbledore asked curiously.
"Well every Monday, 6:00 AM, he would curse me, and a knife would be stabbed through my stomach, an arrow through my right leg, and a sprained wrist, the curse was designed to cause enough pain for the victim but stop excessive blood flow which keeps the victim alive, but that was just what was done weekly, during the week there would be much more, I would be lucky if I went by one week with just the curse wounds, but I'm just glad it's over" she said looking up at the ceiling of the Great Hall.
"And you endured all this pain just to protect Harry?" Asked Dumbledore.
"He's my family, the only family I've got, even if I never get to know him as a sister, I will continue to fight in his and my parents names." She said her voice shaky.
"Well you are incredibly strong and I admire you're loyalty Lana, I think you will do great things" said Dumbledore.
"I hope so", Lana then paused and said "Thank you, again, feels good to talk about it, almost therapeutic" she said.
"Of course" said Dumbledore with a warm smile.
"Alright we better get going" said Dumbledore.
Me, Ron and Hermione quickly got up and ran hurriedly back to the common room.
When we walked in, we once again sat in our corner.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
"She's the Forgotten Soul" said Hermione.
"What!" Me and Ron said in unison.
"It's the only thing that makes sense, two sides, one evil, one good, the evil one trying to kill you, he-who-must-not-be named trying to use her to kill you, comes in a time of need, it all fits!" She whispered aggressively.
"And now Dumbledores trying to help her control her powers so she doesn't hurt anyone." Hermione added.
"You've got one hell of a sister though, tortured for 12 years all for protecting you, Ginny would have sold me out the minute they threatened to take her hairbrush" said Ron with a hint of amusement in his voice, Hermione nudged him with her elbow indicating for him to shut up and that that's not an appropriate thing to say to me.
Just as Hermione was going to say another thing, Lana walked into the common room, she gave us all a soft smile and and a wave before disappearing up to the girls dormitory.
I felt a twinge of guilt in me, she was tortured because of me, I had caused her that pain, even though it wasn't intentional. Hermione seemed to notice and put a reassuring hand on my arm and she spoke, "It's not your fault Harry, I know what you're thinking."
I nodded but I could tell she wasn't convinced. I went silently up to the boy's dormitory and tried to sleep, but sleep wouldn't come, all I was thinking about was Sirius Blacks betrayal, and the awful image of Lana in a forest alone and how I couldn't be there to help her survive.

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