Chapter 7- Not Just a Potter, a Brother

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I woke up after what felt like an eternity. I immediately recognized where I was. I was in the hospital wing. Again.
I looked to my right and I saw Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey.
"How are you feeling?" Asked Madam Pomfrey.
"I feel like I just battled a werewolf." I said trying to push myself up to face everyone.
"I spoke to Dumbledore" said Harry going off topic of what just happened.
"He said you can learn here, at Hogwarts" he said in a hopeful tone.
" Okay that's great and all, but what happened, this is the second time this has happened". I said  as I looked at Dumbledore for answers.
"We don't know yet" said Dumbledore, "it's unlike anything I've seen before" he told me before I could interrupt him.
"She'll be alright though?" Asked Harry.
"I hope so", Dumbledore then looked at me and spoke again, " You are welcome to start your lessons tomorrow Lana, you will be starting your third year, I am perfectly aware you are 12 and are meant to be in your second year, but your knowledge has exceeded the second year level, and it would be a waste of time to put you in the second year."
"What house is she in Professor?" Asked Ron.
"I don't know yet, but we could find out now, would you like that Lana?" Asked Dumbledore politely.
"Yes, sure" I said in a not confident manner.
"Alright then, Accio sorting hat" said Dumbledore.
The hat magically swished through the doors of the hospital wing and it stopped when it fit into Dumbledores hand. He then walked towards me and and placed the hat on my head, and immediately the hat began to speak.
"Ahh, another Potter, I've been waiting for you Lana, you've got endless amounts of bravery, lots of ambition, very protective and secretive but yet very smart and intelligent. Hmm, I can't seem to decide whether I should put you in Gryffindor or Slitheryn, it's like there are two parts inside of you, both of which you can't control."
After what felt like forever, the hat spoke again.
"For once Headmaster in my whole existence , I can't decide, this Potter is too divided, she must be sorted into both, and until she develops a bit more, she is in both houses."
And then the hat stopped taking and floated back into Dumbledores hand.
"Nothing is ever right when it comes to me is it?" I said hopelessly. Everyone stared at me in shock because of what the sorting hat had said.
"So she's what a Gryfferyn, a Slythindor?" Asked Ron with humorous tone.
I laughed and let my head fall back.
And Dumbledore joined in with my laughter.
"I'm not sure Ron, but that means, I think you also get to choose what dormitory you get to sleep in but you must follow one schedule" he said as he chuckled, "right then I'll leave you to it" he said and then he left.
" Welcome to Hogwarts" said Harry with a smile plastered on his face. I smiled back and replied with "Thank you".

After I left the hospital wing, I went to the Gryffindor common room. Lana was spending the night in the hospital wing, so we had to leave without her.
Hermione and Ron then came by my side and began to speak. "Harry mate, you forgot to tell us what happened when you told us to leave so that you two could talk." Said Ron.
"Yeah Harry, my curiosity can't handle not knowing".
"Alright, Alright I'll tell you."
We sat on the couch and I told them everything that she had told me.
I looked at Ron's stunned expression, " I always knew mum lost a child, but I never knew anything more, does she know anything about him?"  Asked Ron.
"I don't know, but I suppose you can always ask her" I said trying to cheer him up.
"That's really weird though, he had her born from another womb and he killed an innocent child" said Hermione, "It's really sad" she added.
" And on top of that he ordered his Death Eaters to torture her for 12 years and she never even met her family or even have anyone care for her" said Ron with a sympathetic look on his face.
"No wonder why she looked like a mess the day she arrived at Hogwarts" said Hermione, and I nodded.
"Well we have got to go now, night Hermione" said Ron.
"Night" she replied.
We went over to the boy's dormitory and when I opened the door, I saw them all sitting on their beds talking.
"Harry! Ron!" They all said.
"Hello guys" I said. Ron waved.
I lay down on my bed thinking. Then Dean began to talk.
"Did you see her, her eyes are beautiful and her hair, it's fiery red and the way she smiles, so elegantly."
"Oi, you're talking about Harry's sister and he's right there!" Said Neville.
"That's not true, it's just that Hermione did the spell wrong" he said still smiling.
Anger boiled in my blood, I didn't feel comfortable knowing that someone talked about my sister like that, in that manner. " Actually it was not a rumor, she actually is my sister so you better watch your mouth" I said aggressively.
Dean then glowed bright red and didn't speak another word till the whole room fell asleep, except me, I just thought to myself that I have to protect her no matter what. She is my responsibility and I must keep her safe. And for the first time, I slept peacefully because I felt like there would be better days ahead.

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