Chapter 8- Introduction To My Fate

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It was the next morning. Madam Pomfrey had woken me up, "Morning" she said with a bright smile on her face.
"Morning" I replied.
I looked over to my right side of the bedside table, I saw all of my books, a school bag, 4 school robes two of which were Slytherin robes and the other 2 were Gryffindor robes, there were also cauldrons, quills, inks, and a clearly borrowed wand, not that I was complaining.

I got out of the hospital bed and took my robes to change. I decided to cut one of my Slytherin robes in half and the Gryffindor robes in half too, and using magic, I merged them together.
When I finished, I found my timetable on the side of the table and I observed it, and from there I knew what books to pack with me in my bag. I then thanked Madam Pomfrey and left to the Great Hall to eat breakfast. I sat in a small space next to Ginny.

"You're back!" Said Ginny, rubbing my arm in a comforting manner.
"Yeah" I said.
Then Harry, Hermione and Ron appeared.
"Hello Lana" they all said.
"Interesting outfit" said Harry with a confused expression.
"Hello" I replied.
" Are you excited for your first day?" Asked Hermione, I think she was more excited than I was.
"Yeah I guess, I mean I've never been to a school before so I don't know what it's like" I said honestly.
"You'll be fine, Ron doesn't know what he's doing half the time and he still passes, you'll be great!" Said Ginny.
"I just wanted to say Harry, thank you for all the school supplies, I really appreciate it." I said with a grateful expression.
"Of course" said Harry giving me a shy grin.
"Well we better head of to potions, we don't want to be late, and we definitely don't want a detention" said Hermione paranoid.
So with that we all got up and headed to the Dungeons to go to the potions classroom.
When we arrived, I went in and sat down in the only empty spot, next to a blond boy with slick back hair and piercing blue eyes, the same boy I had bumped into that day at the Great Hall.
Great. Just what I needed.
Then, the Professor walked into the room.
When he reached the front of the classroom, he turned around and scanned every student, his eyes lingering over Harry, and then, he saw me.
"Oh I see, there is another Potter in the classroom"he took another look at me again before continuing "I'm Professor Snape and I teach Potions, any trouble or misbehavior and you will be sure to know that you will be punished, and as I'm sure you know already, I teach Potions"
I nodded.
"With the person next to you, review what you have done last lesson about The Sleeping Draught." Said Professor Snape.
I turned to my side, and there he was. I didn't know his name, but I couldn't care less.
"What's your name?" Said the boy next to me aggressively.
"That's not what we're meant to discuss." I said dryly.
"I don't care, what's your name?" He repeated again growing more and more aggravated by the second.
"Lana, Lana Potter, and yours?" I replied quickly changing my mind about not wanting to know his name.
"Draco, Draco Malfoy" he said with an expressionless face indicating that he's bored with me. Wow. How respectful.
"Alright, Draco what is in a Sleeping Draught?"
" I don't know you tell me." He scowled at me.
I sighed thinking to myself, how am I going to handle him being my partner.
"I won't tell you" I said defensively, I wasn't about to tell him the answers while he sits and scowls at me.

"Alright that should have given you enough time to discuss, now ah, Mister Potter what is in a Sleeping Draught?"
Hermione's hand went straight up even though he called on Harry.
It was a few seconds before Harry answered, "Lavender and Standard Ingredient are all I remember sir" he said embarrassed.
"Pathetic" muttered Snape under his breath.
"Let's see Miss Potter, what is in a Sleeping Draught Potion?"
"Its ingredients are Flobberworm Mucus, Lavender, Valerian Sprigs and Standard Ingredient. And if it is brewed correctly, the potion should have turned a dark purple colour" I said proudly.
"And do you strive on being an insufferable know-it-all?" Asked Snape who clearly loathed me.
"No sir, you asked me a question, and I answered it, isn't that how it's supposed to work?" I asked, I'd meant it as a real question since I really don't know what school was like, but it came out in a more sarcastic tone.
He looked at me with disgust, and I saw him looking at my robes, and he realized that I was a Slitheryn, he knew he couldn't do anything because anything he did to punish me, would look bad in front of the other houses. I knew that he was the head of the Slitheryn house, but I don't why I thought he would be a bit nicer.
At some point of the class, Professor Snape had to leave to go get something and so the class was left alone unsupervised.
Draco began insulting every Gryffindor in class, he then reached Hermione,
"Ah, the mudblood, such a shame your not pure blood, you know that's where all the best wizards and witches come from" he said chuckling.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Said Harry and Ron in unison.
"Oh look everyone, it's Pathetic Potter and his red haired lion!" He said with an evil smirk on his face.
"Can you just stop." I said to Draco. " Your voice is irritating and your jokes are just awful".
"You need to shut that filthy mouth of yours" he said his face filling with anger.
I rolled my eyes and I didn't even look at him or acknowledge his presence.
"Did you not hear me?!" He yelled at me.
"Hey, don't you dare yell at my sister!" Said Harry.
" I will do whatever I want Potter", he sat back down next to me and scooted as far away from me as possible. Merlin's beard can he get any more immature.
And then, Snape came back, and the class went quiet.
And the lesson finished after what felt like hours.
Then we had Care of Magical Creatures with a new teacher I was informed called Hagrid.
I walked down with Harry, Hermione and Ron.
"Thanks" I told Harry, "for sticking up for me" I added.
I really meant it, I had never had anyone stick up for me, ever. For me, it was just always to take the insult and leave it as it is and let it eat me.
"No problem" he said with a grin.
"That was incredible though, how you talked to Malfoy. You'll be the talk of the whole school!" Said Ron while laughing.

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