Chapter 11- A Morning Full of Surprises

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I woke up exhausted, more exhausted than usual, I felt drained, last night was terrifying.
I felt like I was being possessed, I wasn't in control of my actions but I felt intense hatred for Dumbledore and Harry.
I got up and looked to my right and saw Ginny, "Morning" she said.
"Morning" I replied.
Me and Ginny have gotten quite close, even though she wasn't in my year, she still was the only person I can bear to talk to without feeling like she pities me.
I got up and headed to the common room, as I headed down, I tripped on an ornament and as I was about to fall, someone caught me and pulled me right back up, when I looked back I saw that it was Seamus, "oh thanks" I said.
"Be careful where you step, it's always messy in our common room" he said laughing and he left.
I then walked out of the common room and on my out, I realized that I needed a hair tie, as I turned back, I hit my head against someone else's, sharp pain crawled up through my head, as I looked up I realized who I had bumped into, Harry.
"Sorry" I said.
"It's fine" he said chuckling.
Just then, a knife flew past the side of my face, and I felt the blade glide against my skin and the warm blood trickling down my face.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to, I was just practicing the levitation charm for my upcoming test" a fifth year said.
"It's fine" I said.
"With a knife?!" Hermione yelled at the fifth year, but my attention was once again diverted to Harry.
"Are you sure?" Asked Harry.
"Yeah I'll be fine, I've had worse" I replied sheepishly.
"Come join us, we'll walk to the Great Hall together" said Ron encouragingly.
I nodded and we left the common room.
As we arrived at the entrance of the Great Hall, I saw Draco Malfoy, Merlin, can this day get any worse.

He stood in front of the doors of the Great Hall with an evil smirk on his face.
"Can you move?" I asked.
"Say the magic word" he replied.
"Malfoy just move" said Hermione bluntly.
"Oh look, the mudblood speaks" he said.
"Shove off Malfoy!" said Harry and Ron.
I had had enough, I pushed Malfoy aside and stepped into the Great Hall.
I walked over to Ginny and ate in silence.

"Did you see that mate?! She just shoved him out of the way!" Said Ron enthusiastically.
"I have to admit, that was a pretty exciting sight" said Hermione.
We walked to the Gryffindor table and sat near where Ginny and Lana were sitting.
Just then Draco Malfoy, once again appears just behind me.
"Ahh the Potters" said Draco Malfoy while grinning.
"Shut up Malfoy" said Ginny.
"Shut up you blood traitor" said Malfoy with an angered expression.
"Do you really have nothing to do other than to stand here and make mediocre jokes?" Asked Lana undisturbed.
"How dare you insult me!" Said Malfoy.
"Insult you? Oh no I'm just stating what is true, and that is you are a git who can't stand that there are people better than you who are more likable, and that your life's purpose is bringing other people down" said Lana, she looked around at the table with a fake confused expression, "oh everyone what are you doing, write it down, it might come on the test because I'm sure it will ask about Draco Malfoys worst traits" she continued her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Malfoy glared at her, Lana started to speak again "Oh right where are my manners, do you need help getting to your table? I'm sure you wouldn't want your arm to get more injured because of that big bad naughty bird" she said with a sarcastic grin on her face.
"Watch your mouth Potter" said Malfoy.
"Make me" Lana said with a grin on her face, she knew she won this argument. And then Malfoy left.
The moment he turned, her fake grin dropped and she rolled her eyes and continued eating.
And I could have sworn, I saw those red circles circling her hand again, I looked to Hermione and Ron to see if they had seen that too, and they looked at me back with a look that said, 'yeah we saw that too' look.

Christmas came by quick. I still followed Lana every Wednesday to the Great Hall, and occasionally Hermione and Ron would come along, and every time, I would see the same things, her going out of control and letting that 'second half' take over yet Dumbledore always seemed to stop her, I continued to listen to the endless horrific stories of her life with the Death Eaters, and every time, it just made my insides clench with guilt and regret.
I woke up on Christmas morning and had many gifts, one from Mrs. Weasley, Hermione, Ron and surprisingly Lana. And there was another gift with no name tag, it looked like a broom.
I opened up all the presents and saw that Hermione had gotten me a polishing broom kit, Ron got me candy from Honeydukes, Mrs.Weasley made me a sweater, and from someone anonymous, I got a firebolt. Everyone in the dorm room was in awe. When I told Hermione, she was convinced that there was a jinx or a curse on the broom, which it ended up being confiscated by Professor McGonagall for testing, which me and Ron got really heated up about, we ended up ignoring Hermione.
I then opened Lana's gift, it was a jacket and a locket, there was also a note accompanying the gifts.

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