Chapter 15- See You Soon

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For probably the millionth time this year, I woke up, once again, in the hospital wing.
Honestly, at this point, I should just stay at the hospital wing since I keep ending up here.
I got up and saw Hermione and Harry disappear into thin air and a second later, they walked in through the door. I think my eyes are playing tricks on me.
"What, how you were just there a second ago?!" Exclaimed Ron.
Okay good so I was not the only person who saw them literally evaporate.
"Don't be silly Ron, no one can be in two places at once" said Harry sarcastically.
I recognized what Hermione had around her neck, a time turner, I'm guessing that's how she has been getting around to go to all her classes.
Then it suddenly hit me, "Sirius, where's Sirius!" I said getting up from my bed to face Harry and Hermione.
I had cuts all over my body and a bloody eyebrow and every time I moved it stung, but I didn't care, I just wanted to know if Sirius was alright.
"He's fine we helped him escape, and we even saved Buckbeak" said Hermione happily.
"Oh that's wonderful, that's a relief!" I said beaming.
Then Madame Pomfrey walked in, we all quickly scrambled to our beds and pretended to be asleep.
She came in and went into her office, took some pieces of parchment and left.
"So what was it like using a time turner?!" I asked excitedly.
"What! You know what this is?" Asked Hermione.
"Yeah, the Death Eaters once had forced me to steal one for them, long story" I said dismissing this new piece of information with a wave of my hand.
"Are you alright?" Asked Harry.
"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I said.
"Well you're covered in scratches and look like you've been through hell" said Ron.
"Well it's fine I'm used to it"
I immediately realized the uncomfortable looks on their faces, "Sorry, I can't help making jokes out of everything, even the traumatic stuff, it's a coping mechanism" I said with a chuckle.
"No but really, I'm fine, now enough about me, tell us about the time turner" I said excitedly.
And so for the rest of the night, they had explained to me and Ron everything that had happened from before the time turner when we both blacked out, and to during the time turner, it was all so intriguing, and I loved every second of it.
Later that night we all slept in our hospital beds peacefully without a worry in the world.
Harry was safe.
Sirius was safe.
I was safe.
Life couldn't get any better.

It was the next morning. My eyelids felt heavy despite having slept a lot.
I noticed that I was the only person in the hospital wing, they all had already woken up and left.
I got dressed into a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants and some trainers and I headed down to the Great Hall.
This week was the last week of my third year, and suffice to say, it was eventful.
I spotted Hermione, Ron and Lana and I sped through the crowd and found a seat opposite of Lana and sat there.
"Why'd you leave me in the hospital wing" I said.
"We didn't want to wake you up, you seemed tired, you needed some rest" said Hermione.
"How is everyone?" I asked.
"We're all fine" said Lana, "for now" she muttered that last part under her breath.
"What do you mean for now?" I asked.
"I'm staying with Snape this summer, and only going to the Weasleys' towards the end of the summer" she said in an aggravated tone.
"Should've seen her face when she found out" said Ron snickering.
"Shut up Ron" said Hermione and Lana in the same time.
"Why Snape? Why not Lupin, or why not the Weasleys all summer?" I asked confused.
"Because apparently, Snape will train me to use my powers and Lupin is too afraid that his 'situation' will hurt me, like it's not the first I've encountered a wolf" she said, and as always she comes to the realization that she making jokes out of trauma and she mutters "sorry" under her breath.
"It's fine, I'm sure we'll get used to it" said Ron.
"Finally warming up to me I see?" Asked Lana her voice dripping with sarcasm with a playful grin plastered across her face.
"Hey don't push it" said Ron sternly.
Lana then began to have a conversation with Ginny, I began to notice that she had become a lot more close with her, I'm glad she has made a good friend.


It was finally the day when we all leave on the train to go back to our homes, we'll for me back to hell, but that's fine, I'm used to it, as what Lana would say.
The end of another school year.
"Promise you'll write" said Ginny to Lana.
"Yeah Ginny I will, just go now you're going to be late" Lana said while giving Ginny a hug.
I spotted Snape at the other side of the train station, I'm guessing he wasn't leaving yet and he was waiting for Lana to say her goodbyes.
She then turned to me.
And before either of us could say anything, she hugged me really tightly.
I hugged her back, and after a moment she pulled away.
"Thank you Harry, for everything, especially for giving me a second chance at life" she said.
"That's what family's for, and I'll always be there whenever you need me" I said comfortingly.
"Also don't forget to write to me, don't just write to Ginny and forget about me" I added with a stern look.
"Forget about you? Never" she said with a large smile and a slight shake of her head.
Then Hermione began to speak.
"Bye Lana" and she gave her a hug.
"Goodbye Hermione" she said giving her a hug back.
"Write to—"
"Yes, yes, I'll write to you Hermione now go" she said chuckling.
Just then Ron had joined in on our conversation.
"Good luck with Snape" Ron said to Lana.
"Thanks Ron" Lana said with a grateful smile.
Ron then stretched out his hand to shake Lana's and Lana shook it.
"You went from I hate Slytherins to I will shake hands with a Slytherin, proud of you Ron" Lana said mockingly.
"Well people change" Ron said defensively.
He and Hermione got on the train and I trailed behind them.
I waved goodbye to Lana through the window.
She gave me a smile, it reminded me of that photo of my Mum that I saw in one of the year book pictures that I had found in the Hogwarts library.
She looked just like her, except her eyes, she had my fathers eyes.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Hermione began to talk.
"Don't worry Harry, she'll be fine" she said.
"Yeah I know" I said, "I'm worried for Snape" I said while laughing.
"Oh, do you think she'll turn him into a frog if I ask her?!" Asked Ron enthusiastically.
"I hope so" I replied happily.
And the whole train ride home, we talked about all the fun ways we could make Lana do to make Snape's next 2 months a living hell.

End of Prisoner of Azkaban

A/N: I would just like to say thank you so much for 237 reads on this story.
I am beyond grateful and I hope you enjoyed The Prisoner of Azkaban.
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.
I am so excited to start Goblet of Fire, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave your suggestions.

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