What Coven/track Would The DC Characters Be In

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i wanted to do this for a while, but never did for some reason lmao

anyways yea lez goooo


Aiden- Bard Track

okokok, you might not believe me, but 


like, if Aiden's in another season, and DOESN'T sing ima be sad

Riya- Illusion Track

ain't no way Riya wouldn't be in the illusions track

like breh


but yea she'd 100% be in illusions track

James- Abomination + Illusions

I think James would be in the Abomination track because he'd want to use the abomination powers to show off and stuff

same reason for illusions

Hunter- Healing

Honestly, i think Hunter would be in the healing track because he'd probably want to help people

also the reason i put him in potions in the drawing i did is because i couldn't think of anything else

Rosa- Healing + Beast Keeping

Rosa would 100% be in healing. no doubt

and also i feel like she'd be in beast keeping because i think she'd like animals

she just loves to help people

which is why i love her

Ally- Plants

she'd be in the plant track because plants vs zombies

change my mind

lmao fr tho i could not think of anything

maybe also illusions?

Karol- Beast Keeping

there is no changing my mind on her being in the beast keeping track

she loves animals so much

Lake- Abomination 

Now, before you're like, BuT bP!!!! sHe WoUlDnT bE iN aBoMiNaTiOn!!! wHaT MaKeS yOu tHiNk ThAt?!?!?

well, because of her parents

her parents would definetly force her to be in the abomination track for the same reason Willows parents did

she'd probably want to be in Healing or oracle though

Tess- Oracle

i feel like she'd like those tarot cards, which is what would make her get into the oracle track

Yul- Abomination 

He would definetly be in the abomination track just to intimidate people with it

also he would use it as his personal servant, kinda like o-trash-ia and alador did

Maggy + Kai- Plants + Healing

i feel like they would both be in the plants and healing tracks because they want to help people, and, well, they spent over half the damn season in the woods so yea

Connor- Construction?

i mean, he does a lot of stuff with his company, soooooo


Oliver- Intern Track 

i have literally no clue


so, yea

also sorry this has been kinda dead


also RIP owl house

it ended too soon :'(

anyways, ima go now


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