Early Meeting- Trevek

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I wrote this a while ago and decided to add to it a little

so yuh

i am obsessed with this ship omg-
it's like Jaiden all over again


Derek's POV

I had just finished checking my emails, and I was really excited. "Hey Trevor!"


"So, i was checking my emails, and apparently a company from Asia wants to have an online meeting to possibly sponsor the show!" I exclaimed.

"Wow! That's really cool!" He says, just as excited as I am.

"The only downside is that it's gonna be really early in the morning, since there's like a 14 hour difference." I say.

"Oh. What time?" Trevor asks me.

"I think it was 12 pm their time, so..." I do the math, but Trevor answers before me.

"2 am? That's really early." He says.

"Yeah, but it's worth it if we can have a bigger budget." I say. I take a look at my watch. "It's 10 right now anyways. Wanna stay up with me?"


We both go sit on the couch. " So, what do you wanna do to pass the time?" I ask.

"Well..." He thinks for a second. "I was gonna say we could cuddle, but we might fall asleep, heh."

"Yeah, we might." I say. He lays his head on my shoulder and I smile. "Wanna watch something?"

"Yeah, sure. What do you wanna watch?" Trevor asks me.

"Umm, I don't know." I say, trying to think of something. "Do you just wanna find something on youtube?"

"Ok" He says. I load up youtube and me and him just watch some random videos.

After a few hours, Trevor fell asleep with his head laying on my lap. It's almost 2 am. I'm just glad I didn't fall asleep.

I receive a notification on my phone, which is from the company who had wanted to sponsor us. I joined the zoom meeting.

"Oh, he's here. Hello Derek." The man says. I say hello and he introduces himself. We talked about the sponsorship and what we had to do. After about 30 minutes of talking, Trevor wakes up.

"Derek?" He says sleepily. The man, who's name is Tao, has a look of confusion on his face. He had no idea Trevor was on my lap. "Oh, are you in the meeting?" He asks, sitting up.

"Yeah, it started a while ago." I say.

"Oh. I'm gonna go lay in bed. See you when you're done." He walks off.

"Sorry, that was just my boyfriend, heh. He wanted to wait with me." I said awkwardly.

"It's alright." Tao says. We continue to talk.

When I finally get done, I shut my laptop, and lay my head on the back of the couch. Gosh I'm so tired.

I walk to Trevor and i's room and lay right next to him. He turns over to me.

"How did it go?"

"It went pretty good. They said they're gonna think about sponsoring us, and that there's a pretty good chance." I say.

"That's great" He says quietly. "What time is it?"

"Um... about 4 in the morning." I say. "God i'm so tired." Trevor cuddles up to me.

"Same. Night baby."




im bored lmao

anyways ima go now byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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