Cat person or Dog person

247 3 15

i got bored lel


James- Cat person

Riya- Cat person

Aiden- Dog person

Hunter- Dog person

Rosa- Both

Ally- Cat person (i think it's canon she has a cat but idk)

Lake- Both?

Tess- Cat person

Yul- Cat person

Maggy- Both

Kai- bird person

Connor- Dog person 

Karol- Alligator and moose person

Oliver- Both

Gabby- Literally any animal person

Ellie- Cat person

Lill- Dog person

Alec- Cat person

Nick- both

Ashley- Dog person

Will- Hamster person (cats scare him)

Fiore- Cat person

Tom- Both

Jake- Both

Miriam- Cat person

Grett- Cat person

Drew- Both

Dan- Both

Trevor- Cat person

Derek- Dog person

Jensen- Dog person

Kristal- Both


so yea

anyways ty for reading ima go now!


i'm addicted to the feelin'

gettin' higher than the ceilng

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