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"Hey man, come on in," Chimney greeted me. He had invited me and our good friend Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, her wife Karen, and their son, one of my students, Denny, over for dinner.

"Thanks. Hey guys," I waved as I walked into the house.

"Hi Buck," an assortment of greetings filled the house, including one from my sister Maddie, who was also Chimney's girlfriend. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek.

"Is that pot roast I smell?"

"It is," she smiled at me, taking it out of the oven.

"Where's Jee?" Jee-Yun was their adorable two year old daughter.

"Asleep, thankfully," she laughed.

"Her playgroup hyped her entire class up on Pixie Stix and she just came down from her sugar high," Chimney chimed in, helping her bring the rest of the food to the table. We all sat around the table, passing food back and forth to fill our plates.

"We have a new kid in our class," Denny said excitedly.

"Really?" Hen asked. "What's their name?"

"Christopher. He's really cool. Can I invite him to my birthday sleepover this weekend?"

"I don't see why not," Karen answered. "We just need to meet his parents first."

"I think Mama might already know his dad. Christopher said he was a firefighter."

"Really?" Hen took a forkful of pot roast before continuing. "Who's his dad?"

"I'm not sure, but his last name is Diaz."

"His first name is Eddie," I said casually. Everyone at the table turned to look at me, surprise written on every face but Denny's. "His dad wanted to sit in on the class today," I explained. Christopher has..." I hesitated, unsure whether or not to divulge such personal information without Eddie or Christopher's permission.

I looked over at Hen, who must have sensed my hesitation. "Cerebral Palsy. He told us about him when he came in to sign his paperwork yesterday." I smiled gratefully at her and she smiled back. "He seems like a nice guy though," Hen continued. "And I didn't see a ring." She smirked at me and I rolled my eyes in return.

"I don't remember asking, but thanks."

Everyone at the table laughed. I joined in, but on the inside I was dying for someone to change the subject.

"Oh! Jee-Yun did the cutest thing yesterday!" Maddie chirped. I looked across the table at her and mouthed a 'thank you.' She gave me a small smile and nod in return, not wanting to make it too obvious that this was a diversion.

As the conversation shifted and flowed, my brain did everything but. All I could see was him.


The intensity in his eyes as he looked at me. Watching me. I felt heat rise to my cheeks as I continued to think about him. Continued to picture his face. His beautiful brown eyes. Full pink lips. His full pink lips on mine. On my –

I stood up abruptly, shaking the table and almost knocking over all of the drinks. The conversation ceased as all eyes turned to look at me once again.

"Buck? You okay?" Hen looked suspiciously at me.

"Uh yeah, I just...I need some air." I walked swiftly to the door and out of the house.

What was happening to me?

I took a deep breath, looking up at the stars, trying to clear my mind.


The sound of a twig snapping in the distance startled me out of my thoughts. I turned around trying to find the source of the sound. I looked towards the woods and that's when I saw it. Him.


I closed my eyes, blinking hard. It couldn't be...could it?

But when I opened my eyes again, he was gone.

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