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"Alright everyone, have fun at recess!" I shouted as my students filed out of the room. Chimney's class had recess at the same time as mine, so we usually alternate between him watching our classes and vice versa. Today was his day. I watched as my students and his filed down the hall and out the door to the playground.

"Knock knock." It was Chimney.

"Hey. Did I get my days mixed up?" I asked checking my calendar.

"No no. I'm on my way outside now, I just wanted to let you know that Mrs. Rivers approved Christopher's transfer to my class, so we're all good."

I froze. "What?"

"Yeah I know. I should have said something earlier, but I was late this morning because Jee–"

"Chim!" I stood and walked over to him. "What are you talking about?"

Chim looked as confused as I felt. "You sent an email to Principal Rivers and cc'd me and Eddie Diaz."

"Chimney," I shook my head frantically. "I didn't send any emails."

"Yes you did. I have it right here." He took out his phone and pulled up an email and lo and behold, there was an email from me to Principal Rivers, Chimney Han, and Eddie Diaz:

"Principal Rivers,

I have come to the conclusion that Christopher's learning style and my teaching style are not a proper fit. With that being said, I feel as though Mr. Han's teaching methods would be more suitable to ensure Christopher's educational success.

Please see the attached transfer form and get back to me at your earliest convenience, and let me know if you have any questions.


Evan Buckley

Fourth Grade Teacher

Three Rock Elementary"

I read and reread the email until the words blurred. "Chimney...I didn't send this email."

"Well if you didn't send it, then who did?" My heart dropped to my stomach...

Because I knew exactly who'd sent it.


I pulled into my driveway later that afternoon like a bat out of hell. I looked next door, but Eddie's truck wasn't there. I didn't know whether I was relieved or pissed that he wasn't there so I could ask him what the hell he was thinking. I grabbed my stuff, and moved to unlock my front door...but it was already unlocked.

I walked inside, phone in hand ready to dial 9-1-1, and grabbed the nearest object I could to defend myself with...that just so happened to be the umbrella next to the door. I raised it above my head ready to attack and followed the source of the noise I was hearing. The kitchen? I crept around the corner, umbrella still raised, and that's when I saw him.

Eddie was standing in my kitchen cooking dinner like he lived here. "Hi baby," he greeted me with a large smile.

"What the hell are you doing?" I don't know if I was more furious or creeped out.

"Well I figured you had a long, hard day and didn't feel like cooking, so I made you dinner." He was walking towards me now. He leaned in to kiss me, but I pushed him away. "What's wrong," he asked innocently.

"What's wrong?!" I barked out a bitter laugh. "How about you breaking into my house for one?"

"I didn't break in. I used your key," he chuckled.

"Exactly. MY key. Not only that, you broke into my computer and forged an email to the principal!"

"In my defense, you really should've used a better password than 'Evanbuckley1,'" he chuckled.

I scoffed. "That's not the point, Eddie!"

"Shh..." he tried to calm me down. "You said that we couldn't be together since you were Christopher's teacher, so I took matters into my own hands. You should be thanking me. We don't have to hide how we feel about each other anymore." He tried to kiss me again, but I pushed him away even harder this time.

"Eddie you can't just do something like this and expect everything to be all sunshine and rainbows," I shook my head. "We agreed to just be friends."

"No, you agreed to just be friends. And that was only because you were Chris's teacher. But I took care of that." I shook my head at him, but I couldn't help the smile that was quickly appearing on my face. He must've noticed the guard I was letting down, because he leaned in to kiss me again, but this time, I didn't push him away. I let it happen.

What was this man doing to me?

"I guess we can agree to disagree," I said in between kisses. He smiled and kissed me harder.

I could already tell I was going to regret this. 

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