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He wouldn't let me explain.

He wouldn't even let me explain.

He wouldn't let me explain that it wasn't me who attacked his sister. It was him.

He attacked Maddie. He took my Evan away from me. He ruined everything.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Everything was supposed to be perfect. We were supposed to be perfect.

Evan was supposed to be the perfect husband. The perfect father to my son. He was supposed to think I was perfect too.

But he didn't. He thought I was damaged goods. That I wasn't good enough to be with someone like him. And he was right. I didn't deserve him.

But if I can't have him, no one can.

If this is how it ends, it ends with us.

Eddie stop. Think about what you're doing.

"You shut up! This is all your fault! You're the reason he left me!" I was walking around frantically now, Trying to find what I needed to end this.

You need help, Eddie.

"Don't tell me what I need!" I walked down the hall to one of my closets and opened it to reveal a safe. I punched in the code, 1225, Christopher and Shannon's favorite holiday, and pulled out a gun.

Eddie, don't. Think about Christopher. How would he feel if he lost his only parent?

"I'm the reason he lost his mother in the first place." I wiped the stray tears off my face as I loaded the gun. "I have to do this. I can't hurt anyone else."

Let him do it, he's not going to get away with it a second time.

I froze. "It...It was you? You're not supposed to be here. I thought you were gone."

You know me better than that, Edmundo. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

Leave him alone. Hasn't he suffered enough?

"Both of you shut up!" I shook my head furiously, as if that would work to eliminate the voices. But they did as I asked and said nothing else, leaving nothing except the agenda that was already forming in my head.

And first up on that list was Maddie...


"Are you sure you're okay with me going out with the girls tonight? I can always cancel," I heard Maddie say.

"Oh no you don't," Chimney responded. "You go and have a good time. Jee and I will be fine, right Jee?" Jee clapped her hands in response.

Maddie laughed. "Okay, but I promise I won't be out too late. Two, three hours tops." She kissed them both goodbye and left the house. I was currently standing towards the side of the house, hidden in the shadows, close to where her car was parked. I took a step towards her, a twig snapping under my boot in the process. She turned her head in my direction, but she still didn't see me. "Hello?" she called. No answer. She turned back towards her car to unlock it, giving me the entry that I needed.

I ran up behind her, placing a cloth bag over her head. The inside of the bag was laced with a mixture of drugs that would knock her out long enough for me to get her to our destination. She struggled, flailing wildly, screaming as loud as she could. I pulled the bag tighter, starting to suffocate her just a bit. "Shhh," I coaxed her. "Don't fight it. Just relax." Her body started to unwillingly relax, her heart rate slowing down. Her body slumped against mine. She was out like a light. I picked her up bridal style and threw her in the backseat of her car. I grabbed her keys, hopped in the front seat, and drove away.



I was laying in my bed, running the events of the day through my mind. I haven't talked to Maddie or Chimney yet. I haven't really talked to anyone since my altercation with Eddie. I didn't want to. Honestly, I thought about taking the next couple of days off, but maybe going to work would help me take my mind off of things. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Chimney. "Hey Chim."

"Hey, have you heard from Maddie?"

"Not since she came by the school this morning. Why?"

"She was supposed to be home over an hour ago. She was having dinner with some friends, but she's still not back yet."

"Maybe she's stuck in traffic."

"No man, I'm telling you something's up. I checked our 'Find my Family' app and it's like her phone was disconnected. She's completely off the grid."

I could hear the anxiousness in his voice. I sat up before asking, "Have you talked to any of her friends? The ones she was supposed to hang out with tonight?"

"No I haven't."

"Well, you call and check with them, then let me know one way or the other and we'll go from there."

"Okay, I will." He hung up the phone and I sat and waited. A few minutes later, Chim called me back. "They haven't seen her all night, Buck. I think we need to call the police."

"And say what, Chim?"

"I don't know, but I just can't sit here and act like everything's okay." He paused. "Wait...where's Eddie?"

"What does Eddie have to do with any of this?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Well, did you talk to him today?"

"I did."


"And? What do you think? I broke up with him." I felt a pang in my chest as I said it out loud.

"Well, where is he now?"


"Buck. Where. Is. He?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear and checked my own 'Find my Family' app. My heart sank. "Chim...he's off the grid too."

"That's it, I'm calling the cops."

"Eddie wouldn't do this."

"Oh really? Are we talking about the same Eddie that broke your sister's nose?!" I didn't answer. "You just dumped him. That seems like a pretty good motive to me."

I sighed. "Fine. Call the police, I'll be there soon." I hung up without saying goodbye, grabbed my jacket, phone, and keys, and climbed into my truck. Before I could start it, my phone rang again. The call was from a blocked number, but I knew exactly who it was. I clicked answer, but didn't say anything right away. I just listened to the breathing on the other end of the line, until I couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Eddie."

"Evan." His voice was shaky, like he was crying. "Evan...I'm so sorry baby. I'm so sorry."

"Eddie..." I started gently, carefully. "What did you do?"

"I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he sniffed.

I was terrified now. "Eddie, baby where are you? Where's Maddie?"


"Just tell me where you are and I'll come get you."

"I can't," he sobbed. "Take care of Christopher for me...I love you."

Then the line went dead...

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