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"I know this isn't exactly a normal place to give a tour, but –"

"No, I love it!" And I meant it. It was sweet, fun, everything a first date destination should be.

Except it wasn't a date. But I wanted it to be.

He smiled at me, pleased with my reaction. We got out of the truck and walked over to the ticket booth. Mr. Buckley paid for our tickets and we went inside. "So...did your parents name you 'Mr.' or do you have an actual first name?" I teased.

"Right, sorry. My name is Evan, but my friends call me Buck."

"I like Evan. It's sexier." I was never one to mince words. He blushed, but didn't respond. "So Evan, are you ready for me to kick your ass at these games?"

Evan barked out a laugh. "Oh that's big talk for a newbie!"

"Care to make this interesting?" I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows at him. He gulped, blushing.


"If I win more games than you, you have to take me to dinner."

"And if I lose?" He challenged me.

"I take you to dinner."

He pretended to think about it for a minute before answering. "Deal," he reached out his hand for me to shake and I did, holding his hand for a few moments, not wanting to let go.


I thought about letting him win, but in the end, we had both won the same amount of games. "So how do we settle this?" Evan asked me innocently.

I thought for a moment, even though I already knew what I wanted to say. "How about, I cook you dinner and you can be my sous chef?"

"That's hardly a fair deal."

"Okay then you can contribute the wine."

Eavn chuckled at me before saying, "Deal."


We never finished the "tour." By the time we left the pier, it was past dinnertime. "So when did you want to have that dinner?" Evan asked once we were back in the truck.

"Well you know what they say, 'There's no time like the present.'"

"I wouldn't ask you to do that. It's late and I've already taken up enough for your day,"

"No you haven't. I like spending time with you."

He looked shocked at first, then he relaxed. "I like spending time with you too," he whispered softly.


About half an hour later, Evan parked his truck in his driveway, ran inside, and came back out with a bottle of red wine. He followed me into my house and into the kitchen. "So where do you want me – THIS?! Where do you want this?"

I could think of a few places, I wanted to tell him. But I settled for, "On the dining room table is fine."

He set down the wine before asking, "So what are we making?"

"My Tia Pepa's homemade enchiladas with her special sauce," I said as I took ingredients out of the fridge and the pantry.

"Oh," he looked...disappointed? I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay...not the reaction I was hoping for. Would you prefer something else?"

"No! No it's not that, I just don't want to mess up a family recipe is all."

"You won't. I'll be there every step of the way."



Making homemade enchiladas wasn't that hard. It was actually a lot of fun. Mine didn't look as pretty as Eddie's, but they were still pretty good. "I think that was the best meal I've ever had!" I told Eddie, taking a sip of wine.

"That was all you, I just gave you direction."

"I think you're giving me way too much credit."

"Well I don't think you're giving yourself enough credit." We sat in silence for a second before Eddie asked me, "How are you still single?" The question took me so off guard, I started choking on my wine.

It took me a few minutes to get myself together, but when I finally did, all I could manage to choke out was "What?"

"I said how are you still single?" he repeated. "You're literally the whole package."

I was slightly uncomfortable now. Not because of the conversation, but because my pants were suddenly growing too tight. "No, I'm really not." I stood up and gathered our empty dishes, looking for something to do with my hands. I was careful not to let him see the front of me.

"I'm serious Evan. You're handsome, smart, funny, sexy." I practically dropped the dishes in the sink. When I turned around to look at him, Eddie was suddenly standing right behind me, his hard body pressed against mine. "So sexy." Our faces were inches apart now. I could feel his breath on my face. My lips. He leaned in as if he was going to kiss me. But he didn't. He brushed his lips against mine so that I could just barely feel them. He wasn't going to kiss me.

He wanted me to kiss him.

He wanted me to want him.

And I did. My God I did.

I wanted so badly to give in to my desires. Desires for this man. This perfect stranger that I knew absolutely nothing about. This perfect stranger that I have been lusting after from the moment I saw him. He stepped closer to me so that I was pressed up against the sink. I felt his entire body – and I do mean his entire body – on mine.

I could feel how hard he was.

Which meant he could feel how hard I was.

"Fuck it," I growled at him.

Then I crashed my lips onto his. 

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