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"Hey Christopher! So glad you could make it! Denny and the other kids are in his room," one of Denny's mom's, Karen, said as she opened the door for us. "Eddie, how are you?"

"A little more nervous than he is, if I'm being honest." And I was. "This is our first sleepover."

"Dad!" Christopher exclaimed, embarrassment clear in his voice.

Karen and I laughed in response. "He'll be fine. Hen went to go grab the pizza and cake, but she'll be back soon."

"Hey Chris!" Denny came running from his bedroom. "We're playing video games in my room. Come on!" Chris tried to follow Denny, but I stopped him.

"You go ahead sweetie. Let Christopher say bye to his dad first." I gave Karen a grateful smile before kneeling in front of Chris.

"If you get scared tonight, just call me and I'll come get you, okay? I don't care what time it is."

"I'll be fine Dad. I promise."

"I know you will, buddy." I gave him a quick hug and kiss on the forehead before watching him walk away with Denny.

I felt a lump form in my throat and tried to swallow it down before speaking to Karen again. She must have noticed, because she spoke first. "First sleepovers are hard. Believe me, I've been there. Just know that your son is safe here with us," Karen said gently, patting me on the shoulder.

"Thank you," I managed to choke out before retreating back to my car.

This was going to be a long night.


It's only been three hours since Christopher's been gone and I'm already going crazy. I've finished unpacking all of our belongings, ordered and ate an entire pizza. There's nothing left for me to do but sit here and worry some more.

I couldn't just sit here, mind running through a bunch of worst case scenarios. I grabbed my house keys, slipped on some sneakers and decided to go for a run.

It was unusually cool for LA, so I'm told. But I didn't care. I let the wind whip through my face as I ran, the cold mixed with my sweat boosting my adrenaline. I did a lap around the neighborhood, my lungs on fire. I slowed to catch my breath and realized I was now standing in front of Mr. Buckley's house.

Mr. Buckley.

I smiled to myself as I thought about him. How nervous I made him as I sat in on Chris's first day of school. Tomorrow was Saturday, which meant we'd be spending the whole day together. To say I was excited would be an understatement. I saw the way he looked at me. Like he wanted me.

Almost as much as I wanted him.

Just thinking of the things I wanted to do to him, the things I wanted him to do to me in return, made me more excited...in more ways than one. I had to get control of myself before tomorrow.

Deciding I'd burned enough calories for one night, I headed back to my place for a much needed cold shower. I headed up the stairs, stripping out of my clothes on the way to my bathroom. I turned on the shower, making it as cold as possible before stepping inside. The water felt like millions of little needles being stuck into my body. I soaped up my hands and began to run my hands over my body, trying to get clean while thinking filthy thoughts about Mr. Buckley. I rinsed off quickly and stepped out of the shower, trying to resist the urge to pleasure myself while I was in there. I wrapped a towel around my waist long enough to get to my bedroom, then let it drop to the floor before I began moisturizing my body.

Then I felt it. Eyes, burning into the back of my naked body. I turned my head slowly to find Mr. Buckley staring at me through his own bedroom window.

He quickly stepped away from the window, presumably embarrassed that I'd caught him staring. I chuckled to myself. I walked closer to my own window, still staring into his and opened my curtains fully, continuing to moisturize my body.

My entire body. Never taking my eyes away from the window. I bit my bottom lip seductively.

And before long, Mr. Buckley was peeking his head around the curtain again.

I stepped back a little, my eyes never leaving his, still touching myself, and allowed him to get a good look at everything I had to offer.

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