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Everything happened so fast, I didn't even have time to think. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. And I was okay with that.

As soon as I kissed him, his tongue was in my mouth, fighting for dominance with mine. Eddie started to move backwards and I followed him, not wanting to break the kiss for even half a second. At this point, we were running into furniture. First the kitchen island, then the doorway leading to the living room, the coffee table, until we made it to the couch.

I knew I had to stop this, but all of the common sense, all of the good judgment I've ever had left my body as soon as our lips touched. "Eddie," I let out a groan. He smiled into the kiss, taking that as a sign to continue. He bit my bottom lip and I moaned again. "Fuck." That was all he needed from me to start removing my clothes. First my tee shirt, my belt, pants, until there was nothing left covering my body.

Without thinking, I moved to do the same to Eddie. He kissed my neck as I undressed him. His kisses started to move lower, from my neck to my chest, then down my stomach, until there was nowhere left to go but...there. I gasped in surprise and threw my head back. "Fuck Eddie." He knew he had me. I could tell by the way he moved agonizingly slowly. "Eddie please." I was begging now. He did as I asked and continued taking me to ecstasy into the night...



Last night was perfect. He was perfect. I never thought I'd find someone who made me feel this way. Not even Shannon made me feel the way Evan did.

I got up early to make him breakfast. I didn't have to pick up Christopher for a few hours, so I figured we'd spend the day together until then. I was finishing up a full spread for the two of us to share: bacon, spinach omelets, pancakes and strawberries, when I heard a rustling coming from the living room. I smiled to myself. He was finally awake.

I put his breakfast on a tray, along with two cups of orange juice, and walked into the living room...

To find Evan dressed like he was ready to leave.

"Good morning."

Evan jumped, like I'd startled him. "Uh Good morning."

"Where are you going?" I set the tray on the coffee table. "I thought we could spend the day together."

"Don't you have to go get Chrsitopher?" He was putting on his shoes now. Frantically.

"Not until this afternoon. Is everything okay?" I walked closer to him.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Why wouldn't it be?" Jacket.

"Evan, stop," I grabbed him gently by the shoulders. "Talk to me. I thought last night was amazing, but something tells me you don't feel the same."

Evan sighed. "Eddie last night was great, but this...this can't happen," he took a step back.

"Why not?"

"Because you're one of my student's parents. Listen, maybe in another life, this could have worked between us. But in this life? Maybe it's better to let last night be what it was: a great night...at least for now," he smiled sweetly at me. "So what do you say? Can we start over as friends?" he reached out his hand for me to shake, but all I could do was stare at it.

Friends? After what we did last night? I don't do any of that for any of my other friends. There had to be something I could do to change his mind. I looked up at him and smiled, taking his hand to shake it. "Sure...Friends."

"Great!" Evan beamed at me, relief written all over his face. "Thank you for understanding. He rubbed one of my shoulders before grabbing his keys and starting for the door. "I'll see you around!"

And with that, he was gone...and the gears in my head started turning...

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