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"So once you carry the four, then–"

"I need to talk to you. NOW," my sister practically spat at me.

I looked at her, frantically walking over to her. "Maddie, you can't just barge in here and demand–" I froze, really looking at her. Her nose was bloody. "What the he–" I stopped again, remembering where I was. "Class, work on problems 1-10 on page 173 in your textbooks. I'll be right back." I grabbed Maddie's hand, dragging her (and Jee) back into the hallway. I cracked my door and walked next door to Chimney's classroom. "Chim, I need you out here."

"Can't it wait? My kids are in the middle of a test?"

"No, it can't. It's an emergency."

He stood up and walked towards me, before stopping and addressing his class. "Class, I'm trusting you to show integrity while I step out for a minute, okay? Don't make me regret it," he warned before following me out the door. "Maddie?" He ran over to her, cupping her face in his hands. "What the hell happened?!"

"Eddie happened."

My heart sank. "W-What do you mean 'Eddie happened?'"

"He came by the house today. He threatened me for telling you to talk to Christopher. Then he attacked me."

"I'll kill him," Chimney snarled, heading for the doors.

"Chim, stop." I grabbed him by the shoulder, pulling him back.

"Buck, are you kidding me right now? He attacked my girlfriend! Your sister!"

"I know, okay? I'll handle it." I looked between him and Maddie. "But you and Jee are okay?"

Maddie sighed. "I'm pretty sure Jee is traumatized, but yeah. We're okay." Looking at her though, I knew that was a lie. I pulled her in for a tight hug.

"Don't worry, okay? I'm gonna take care of this." And I was. Because as much as I liked – maybe even loved – Eddie, he hurt my sister and my niece. That was unforgivable, no matter the reason.

She pulled away before saying, "I'm gonna take the rest of the day off and just take Jee home." She gave Chim a kiss and turned to leave the school. I hated seeing her like this, knowing there was nothing I could do to heal her pain. But I meant it when I said I was going to confront Eddie tonight. "Oh, one other thing," Maddie turned back to look at us. "When Eddie attacked me, he seemed...off."

"Well yeah, he attacked you," Chim said in a 'duh' tone.

"No, I mean he seemed like a whole different person."

"What do you mean?" I asked her cautiously.

"Like...after he attacked me, it's like his entire demeanor changed. Like he flipped a switch and was suddenly remorseful. And he started talking as if someone else, other than me and him, were in the room.

Chimney and I exchanged glances. "What, like he sees dead people?" Chim asked warily.

"Honestly, I wouldn't put it past him, all things considered." She didn't say anything else before turning to leave again.

"So what're you going to do?" Chim asked me.

"I don't know." We didn't say anything else before returning to our respective classrooms.


The school day couldn't go by fast enough. I called Hen's wife, Karen, and asked her to take Christopher back to her place to play with Denny. I didn't want Chris to see or hear what was going to happen.

I tried to relax. I tried to sit still while I waited for Eddie to come home. Instead, I ended up pacing the floor of the living room.

Until I heard the front door open...

I froze. I had about three or four hours to get my words together. To figure out what I was going to say to the man I fell in love with. The man who also hurt my sister. That thought made my blood boil all over again. He rounded the corner to the living room. "Hey there, handsome," he said, greeting me, smiling widely without a care in the world. He walked over and tried to kiss me, but I dodged it. I had to do this right. Strategically. I took a deep breath, choosing my next words carefully. But instead of saying anything, it was like something took over my body. Instead of talking, I did the next best thing.

I slapped him. Hard. Right across the face.

He looked just as shocked as I felt, but I was on a roll. "You attacked my sister." It was more of a statement than a question. You attacked my sister." I repeated. He looked remorseful. He looked like he wanted to cry, but I wasn't stopping. If I had a choice, if I had to make the worst decision of my life and choose between the man I love and my sister, I'd choose my sister every single time. "You. Attacked. My. Sister." My voice was shaking, but I couldn't break. I wouldn't.


"No! You don't get to speak!" I yelled. "You attacked my sister. You traumatized my niece. You don't get to speak!" A single tear slid down my cheek, but I wiped it away as fast as it came. "This," I gestured between the two of us. "This is over. I never want to see you again." I tried to walk away, but I couldn't will my feet to move. It was as if they were cemented to the floor.

"Evan, please," he cried, grabbing me by the shoulders. "Please just let me explain!"

I shook my head at him. "There's nothing to explain."

"But it wasn't me I swear!" More tears streamed down my face and his.

I laughed bitterly. "Oh, it wasn't you? That's funny, because my sister showed up to the school this morning with a broken nose, saying that you ATTACKED HER!"

"But I didn't. It wasn't me, it was him!"

"Just stop." I was tired now. Physically and emotionally.

"Baby please–" he was sobbing now. "I need you to believe me!" He was holding my face now, trying to get me to look at him. But I couldn't. If I did, I'd crack. I'd forgive him. And I couldn't do that either.

I backed away from him, my face no longer giving anything away. "Goodbye Eddie." I slid by him and walked out the front door. I didn't look back.

And he didn't come after me. 

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