Happy Birthday

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Enid's POV:

I, yet again, stay up all night worrying about Wednesday. Around 4 am, I give up on sleep and grab my phone. 

Me: Hey D! HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYY!! I hope you have an AMAZING day. LOVE YOU <3333

My favorite little mermaid ❤❤‍🔥: awww thanks E. Why are you up so early?

Me: I didn't really sleep last night but I'm fine, I'm not even tired

My favorite little mermaid ❤❤‍🔥: Are you okay? wanna come over to my dorm before we have to get ready?

Me: Yeah im okay but sure!

I grab a hoodie and slip it over my head. I look at myself in the mirror and put on as big of a smile as possible. I don't normally like faking happy with my friends but I don't want them to worry about me. I put a little concealer under my eyes to cover the bags before heading out the door. I stop by the coffee machine on the way and get a huge cup. Who needs sleep when you have coffee right!

I lightly knock on the door and Divina opens it. 

"Jesus, that's a huge cup of coffee, you sure you're okay."

"Yep! Happy birthday!!!" I yell hugging her as hard as I can then sit on her bed. "Hey Yoko!"

"Hey! Why are you up so early? And jeez that's a lot of coffee."

"Yeah, coffee is practically keeping me alive now-a-days. I didn't really sleep last night so I just wanted to come over here so I wouldn't wake up Wednesday. Why are you two up so early?"

"Divina woke up early cause she was excited that it was her birthday then proceeded to drag me out of bed."

"You wouldn't get up you gave me no choice!"

I laugh at their old couple-like bickering. 

"So what are you doing for your birthday."

"I was planning on having a few friends over at the dorm tonight, you and Wednesday can come if you want."

"Okay! I'll ask her! But you can count on me being there. What time?"

"I don't know. Maybe like 7?"



Wednesday goes to school before me so I walk to class alone. When I walk in the door, I see Wednesday in the corner, alone, drawing in her sketchbook. She chose a seat at a single table, making it impossible for someone to sit next to her during class. I look over at Xavier and then at the empty seat next to him. It's the only open seat besides the one next to Ajax, great. I look over at Yoko and she notices my situation. She immediately get up and sits next to Xavier, leaving me an open seat next to Divina. I send an appreciative smile to Yoko and sit next to Divina. 

"Is your girlfriend good over there? She looks a little... gloomy." Div whispers to me. 

"She is not my girlfriend. And I don't really know. She still isn't talking. I tried to get her to open up when we were walking around Sunday morning but she just shut down. She just keeps wanting to forget about Friday and I do too I just don't think we should, ya'know?"

"Yeah I get that but seriously, you should probably talk to her about it, she's scary when she's like this."


About half way through class I decide to ask Wens about D's party tonight. Maybe a little social interaction is just what she needs. What am I even saying, Wednesday hates social interaction. Can't hurt to ask right?

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