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Enid's POV:

The clock blares from the nightstands and I groan. Loudly.

"Whyyyyy! Noooo! Why does school start so ear-" I stop when I notice Wednesday is missing beside me. I scrunch my brows and open my eyes. I sit up and see her brushing her hair over by her desk. She turns off the alarm.

"Good morning."

"Good morning?" I glance at the clock. 7:00 am. Normal time. "Why are you up?"

"Woke up a little bit ago, decided to just get up." She says with tired eyes.

I watch her gently, placing my feet on the ground. "Are you okay? You look tired."

"I'm not. I'm okay." She answers dismissively and walks to the bathroom, setting her brush down and begins parting her hair, ready to braid it.

I don't know whether to believe her, but I don't think asking again will change her answer so I drop it. "Okay."

I get up and walk to the bathroom. I stand next to her and look between us in the mirror. Her freshly brushed hair, one side half braided. Mine is a frizzy mess, curls from yesterday going everywhere.

"You're beautiful," I say, smiling at her.

Her eyes meet with mine in the mirror and she looks a little surprised by the random compliment. I think I even see a slight blush to her cheeks. "Never close to as beautiful as you, my love."

I smile wider and I can't help myself. I grab her waist and 'kiss attack' her, placing kisses all over her. Her cheeks, her forehead, her neck, anywhere I can reach before she swats me away.

After only a few seconds, she gets away from me, but only for a second. Before I can readjust myself, she pulls me by the hips to kiss me on the lips. I close my eyes and sink into her, my skin melting into hers. I feel her smirk a little against my lips but she doesn't let it last long, she pulls back and is still looking at me. "You have terrible aim."

I roll my eyes with a smile, kissing her once more on the tip of the nose before hurrying off to my dresser for my uniform. My smile lasts the rest of the morning. I skip around the dorm as I get ready, finally prepared to leave at 7:45.

Wednesday was waiting by the door. "Ready, Wens?"

She nods and we leave. I don't know if I'm walking faster than normal but Wednesday seems to struggle to keep up, slugging behind.

"You sure you aren't tired?" I ask, slowing down to remain at her side. My voice is a little worried but still chipper.

"I'm okay, Enid." She says, almost believably.

I sigh a little but look back forward. This has been our routine for weeks now. I ask if she's tired, she says she's fine, I don't believe her. Most people would give up on asking by now, but not me. One day she'll open up, and when she does, I will be here. I called her out for claiming she's 'fine' a few days ago, but she just resorted to saying 'I'm okay' instead. Smart-ass. If only this smart-ass wasn't so adorable.

"Hey E! Hey Wednesday!" Yoko calls from their table as we walk into class. I smile and wave. Wednesday and I set our stuff down at our small table in the corner and I head over to them.

Wednesday stays by our table, but I don't push it, some mornings she doesn't feel like socializing.

"Hey, guys." I say to Yoko, Ajax, and Xavier.

"I heard that we're getting some kind of sex education thing today." Xavier says, leaning in to the group further.

"This hour?" I ask.

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