He Knows

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Xavier's POV:

"Okay! I'll go first. Enid. I'll ask you first." I say, already having a question ready. "Who do you like?

I know that they are hiding something and I'm like 60% sure that they like each other. This game will be the perfect way to get it out of them. I honestly could see them being together. I mean, Enid is the only person like ever that Wednesday allows to touch her, including her own mother. At this point, if Wednesday doesn't like Enid, I don't know who she could like, if anyone at all.

Enid tenses up a bit and hesitates. Wednesday looks at her, curious of her answer. Enid looks between us, trying to hide her panic, failing tremendously by the way. "I don't really have a crush on anyone right now." Her voice is high pitched and she's fidgeting with her hands.

Wow. Enid is terrible at lying... it's kind of sad. She looks at me waiting for a reaction, I smile a little and look back ahead. "hm." I'll get it out of her eventually. I guess I'm kind of hoping they are together. One: I have always thought they'd be a good couple. And two: maybe it would help Ajax move on. Although it might cause some anger at first, I think it could help him get over her. Maybe it will even help me get over Wednesday.

Enid tries to relax a bit as she turns her eyes to her left. "Wednesday. Have you ever kissed anyone; besides the ones I know about."

Wait a minute. 'Ones'? More than one? I know she kissed Tyler but who else? Maybe it's someone from her past that she told Enid about? Or... it is Enid. Oh my god. I bet it's her. At least she's better than that bug-eyed boy.


Both Enid and I whip our head towards her. We both ask her continuously who but Wednesday refuses to answer. "That wasn't a part of the question."

"Fine, we will just ask you on my next turn." I say, preparing the future questions.

Wednesday doesn't react to my comment and turns towards me. "My turn. Have you ever killed anyone?"

I drop my head to my chest. "Yes..." Wednesday's eyes go wide, excited for my response. "My childhood goldfish, Pedro. RIP little man."

Wednesday's excitement fades into what I can only explain as disappointment. "Seriously. A fish? That's it?"

"Yep. I was 6 and I wanted to hold him and... I accidentally squeezed him too hard."

Wednesday does not seem pleased with my answer. I'm not surprised. I'm sure she has killed several people. I mean its Wednesday. She probably fantasizes about torturing people.

I go right back at Wednesday. "Wednesday. Who all have you kissed? I want names."

"Name all of them?" She says, with subtle panic in her voice.


She opens her mouth but hesitates. She looks over at Enid as an ask for help. Enid shrugs a bit. She's panicking too. Yep. They've totally kissed. Wednesday then looks back at me. "Can I pass a question?"

"Oh, come on. It's not that bad." She looks at me and I can tell she is seriously not comfortable answering, so I change the question. "Okay, fine. Who have you kissed, not at this school."

She relaxes a bit at the change of the question. "A guy from summer camp when I was 11 and someone from my old school last year."

She spares the names, knowing I won't know them anyway. Wednesday then directs her attention back to Enid. "How many people have you kissed?"

"Uhh. That depends. Do you mean romantically or platonically too?"


Enid tries to count with her hand but seems to give up. "I don't really know. A lot. But most of them were 'just for fun' kisses with my friends or spin-the-bottle."

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