Softer Soft

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Why wait until Sunday when I have the update ready? Plus 31 years ago today was the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert so it's a fitting day for an update.

One of the scenes I regret not doing above all else is a singing scene between Freddie and Amelia both on and off stage, so this fixes the off-stage version. This is a deleted scene from Little Mercury after the chapter They Know. The video above is how I hear Amelia's voice in this scene.

November 1980

The weekend following Amelia's sickness bug she is still recovering to her normal self, she's quiet and spends most of the day in bed. She was bored of lying in bed but her usual energy is taking a while to return.

Later in the evening when she and Freddie are home alone, she ventures downstairs. At the bottom of the stairs, she looks around to see where her mind takes her. Her dad is upstairs having a shower.

Barefoot she pads into the kitchen getting some water and a snack. As she's eating, she continues walking about the house and ends up in the music room where her dad's piano is.

Sitting on the bench, she lifts the lid and runs her hands along the ivory keys before playing the first song that comes to mind, Bohemian Rhapsody, a slower version.

Freddie heard the piano as he exited his on-suite bathroom and initially panicked, unaware that his daughter is up.

Dressing quickly, he checks his daughter's room first and relaxes to see her bed empty followed by her voice accompanying the piano.

Following the music he comes to a stop in the doorway of the music room and smiles watching her sing effortlessly though without much power, keeping his song softer than he's ever heard it sung before.

For the last verse he sings with her, keeping with her softer tone, he sits beside her on the piano bench and pulls her into a side hug as they finish.

"I've never heard it sung like that before," He kisses the side of her head.

She leans into his side, yawning, "I don't have the energy to put the effort into power notes today."

"That wasn't a criticism, lovie," He closes the piano lid and leads her back up to her bedroom, "I loved every minute of it and it's given me the confidence to set a dream in motion."

"What dream?" She yawns again.

"To have you sing on stage with me. I was thinking at one of the Wembley gigs in December?" It's something he's wanted to do for a while.

"You want me to sing with you at Wembley?" The biggest audience she's performed in front of to date is an assembly hall. She pauses to think while using the bathroom.

"Any Queen song, you choose," He increases his volume for her to hear and sits on her bed waiting for her to come back from the bathroom.

To sing on stage with her dad is a dream for her too but she thought that would happen once she's a known artist not now, "Okay," She agrees climbing into bed, "Somebody to Love is my favourite."

"Then Somebody to Love it will be. I'll talk to the lads tomorrow though I don't believe they'll object," He tucks her in, something he hasn't done since she was little, Jerry takes up his usual spot curled beside her.

The next chapter will be the on-stage singing scene. Sorry this is a short one, I'll try not to make them all short but these one-shots will vary in length.

Just to reiterate, I'm not going to have a schedule for this book, I'll try to update at least once a week but because this is a one-shot/deleted scenes book, I will update as and when I have a new chapter ready.

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