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This is a one-shot between Amelia and Freddie around 1980, so Amelia is around 11-12 and they still live in a flat before Garden Lodge.

"Is it true you were born in Zanzibar?" Amelia asks her dad at dinner that evening.

"Indeed I was," Freddie answers between eating, "What made you ask?"

She'd spent the day at her grandparents doing a History project her private tutor set for her, "Grandma was helping me with some school work and telling me about your life there before you came to England."

He's never really spoken about his family's religion or his past with his daughter, since she is British-born and bred he feels she should be left to make up her own mind.

It doesn't mean he doesn't respect his religion, quite the opposite and he has raised her with some of the Zoroastrian beliefs and core values.

After thinking for a moment, a thought jumps to mind, "I promised you a holiday before I go back on tour at the end of June, how about I take you?"

"To Zanzibar?"

"Well it's the technically United Republic of Tanzania now, has been since..."

"April 1964," Amelia answers, "But the Island of Zanzibar still exists off the main shoreline of Tanzania."

"At least I know you listen to your grandpa even if I don't. But yes, let's do it at the end of April once schools have gone back," The silver lining to having Amelia homeschooled means he can take her on holiday during term time, the tourist rate is lower and he can spend quality time with his daughter without people stopping him for an autograph everywhere he turns.

He doesn't mind fans approaching him most of the time but when he's with his daughter, he wants to be there as her dad, not as a famous rockstar.


Stepping off the plane on the Island of Zanzibar they are hit with a wave of warm sun, "Wow," Amelia gasps entering the resort they're staying at.

It was lunchtime when they arrived so they spent the afternoon on the beach. Amelia enjoyed some time in the sea, loving the fact that it's warm, unlike the British seaside. Believing her to be old enough to be on her own, Freddie left her while he goes off to sort the plans for the next few days.

When he comes back to the beach he finds her sunbathing in her swimsuit as he would expect she is nearly 12, but the problem is she's talking to a boy that's definitely a few years older than her.

"Milly," He makes his presence known as he approaches interrupting their conversation though it's mostly the boy trying to flirt.

"Hi Dad," Amelia sits up and smiles pushing her sunglasses on top of her head.

Freddie looks at the lad as he tries to introduce himself, "I'm..."

"Going," Freddie bluntly interrupts him and he gets the message fleeing swiftly.

Amelia tuts at her dad and lies down again, "You know I'm going to have a boyfriend one day right?"

"Over my dead body," He knows it will inevitably happen one day but 11 is far too young in his opinion, "What happened to the little girl that believed boys are icky?"

"Some still are but he was..."

"Around 16 years old," He sits beside her lean back on his hands.

Biting her bottom lip she looks over at the retreating lad's form, "I didn't realise he was that old," She hadn't thought about it either.

"And that is why I'm here, to help you see it and stop you from doing something stupid or getting you into trouble," He leaves it alone after that and they go back to their room to change and head to the resort restaurant for dinner.


The next day they visit the palace museum before Freddie shows her the area he grew up in when he wasn't at boarding school.

Walking down one of the streets they come to a stop between two yellow buildings, he stares at the building on their right.

"This was home?" Amelia guessed and takes hold of her dad's hand when he swallows back his emotion to nod.

He smiles squeezing her hand appreciatively, "I've not been back here since we left, it holds a lot of memories."

"I bet one day it will be a museum about you," She giggles pulling him away, clearly he doesn't want to be there.

"A museum about me...?" He muses, "I'll leave that task to you for when I'm old and grey..."

"And a legend that people will want to know everything about," She exaggerates, "They'll be statues in your honour, your music will be enjoyed even 40 years in the future and maybe a book or film about you."

"Oh don't be so ridiculous, lovie," He playfully shoves her shoulder, "It's a marvellous thought though."

How would you feel if I did a couple of fandom crossover one-shots but with the Queen family or BoRhap boys as the characters? I.e. Pride and Prejudice but Elizabeth is one of the Queen daughters, Mr Darcy is Gwilym or Rami etc...

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