Two Mercurys, One Stage

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This continues from the previous chapter but this is the on-stage singing scene between Freddie and Amelia. Again this is deleted scene from Little Mercury and directly follows the chapter Concert and the video above is how I hear Amelia's voice.

December 1980

"How do I look, Dad?" Amelia walks into the band's dressing room and gives them a little spin to show her outfit. It's a black and white dress inspired by her dad's Harley Quinn catsuit look because she has to look right next to her dad.

Freddie grins, instantly recognizing the inspiration for it, "You look fabulous, sweetheart," Tonight she is joining her dad on stage for the first time ever, "You ready?"

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Freddie grins, instantly recognizing the inspiration for it, "You look fabulous, sweetheart," Tonight she is joining her dad on stage for the first time ever, "You ready?"

"Nervous," She admits, she has been since he asked her to do it a few weeks ago. Singing on stage will hopefully be her career one day but as of yet, she's not sung in front of a big audience since she was little.

"You'll smash it," Brian encourages, patting her shoulder as he leaves the dressing room followed by John.

"You've got your dad's gift for singing," Roger adds to Brian's encouragement, "I'm sure in time you'll gain his showmanship flare too."

With the dressing room empty Freddie can have a quiet moment with his daughter, "Is it stage fright or because you're singing next to me?"

"Singing next to you," She blushes hiding her face, her dad is something else on stage and she's sure she'll get lost next to him, "I know you're my dad but on stage..."

"I'm still your dad," He catches her face in his hand and tilts her head back to look at her, "I want you to be comfortable on stage. The person I am on stage is for the audience but above all else I am your dad and I want you to enjoy this experience."

"Five minutes, Mr Mercury," A stagehand gives the call waking past.

"Come on," He offers her his arm and they walk to the side of the stage.

She waits there as the concert begins, they play through five songs before pausing after Play the Game and Freddie addresses the audience, "Now we hope you don't mind us mixing things up a bit but my daughter is here today. Above all other dreams singing on stage with her is one that I desire more than anything."

"Milly, my angel," He looks back to where she is standing off-stage and he holds out a hand, gesturing her onto the stage, "Will you join me for this next song?"

Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she walks out, the crowd goes crazy. She takes her dad's hand and he pulls her to the centre of the stage in front of a stand-alone mic.

Sweetly, he kisses her forehead and lets go of her hand taking up his position at the piano. Sitting down he checks she's ready to go and she gives him a nod.

He begins playing Somebody to Love effortlessly and she sings the first verse with a power she didn't have when he heard her in the music room. He's glad to see her nerves fade away.

For the first two verses, they sang separately but after that, they sing together in harmony and the audience loves it.

Exiting the stage afterwards, she notes the proud grin on her dad's face as well as her uncle's. The cheer of the crowd gives her an adrenaline rush.

She joins him again at the end of the concert for We Are the Champion. Her unexpected appearance flooded the newspapers the next day and they're both glad to note not a single bad review in sight.

Sorry again for the shortness of this chapter I think it could end up being a theme that deleted scenes are shorter while one-shots will be longer.

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