Uncle Deaky

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This is a deleted scene from Little Mercury set before the chapter Birthdays.

August 1972

Putting Amelia to bed, Freddie's mind is on that afternoon's events. They'd been at the studio for the rare occasion that the band had a day session rather than an evening or night session. Amelia had to go with them since Mary is at work.

While they were there he noticed, not for the first time, Amelia favouring Roger and Brian over John.

On this occasion he noticed John watching Amelia sitting in Brian's lap talking to him about something, his eyes show a feeling of envy and being left out.

The bassist appears to feel Freddie watching, catching the singer's eye then turns his attention back to his bass.

He comes back to the present after tucking Amelia into bed and sits on the edge, "Milly," She nods with a yawn, "I'd like you to do something for me."

"Okay," She plays with Jerry's fur, listening.

"I've noticed you do a lot with Uncle Brian and Uncle Roger when I'm with the lads but you barely spend time with Uncle Deaky."

She frowns, "I don't mean to."

"I know you don't, sweetheart," He softly tucks some hair behind her ear, "And this isn't a telling-off. I'd just like you to try and include him a bit more or find something for just you and him."

Her frown deepens as she thinks, "I can do that."

"Thank you," He smiles leaning down to kiss her forehead then grabs a book from the shelf.


A few days passed and he'd all but forgotten about the conversation until the group were walking back from another afternoon studio session.

Walking through a park to Brian's flat, the first stop of the route home, Amelia spots the play park, "Daddy. Can I go and play on the park?" She begs, giving him puppy eyes.

He checks his watch, it's still light out with it being summer and she fell asleep at the studio so he could do with letting her run some energy off, "Ten minutes."

"Yeah!" She grins and runs off the play. Clambering up the climbing frame and going down the slide.

About five minutes in she runs back to them giving John puppy eyes, "Will you push me on the swings Uncle Deaky?"

The bassist's jaw almost hit the floor, "Me?"

"Yep," She nods and grabs his hand, pulling him towards the swing set.

Freddie couldn't be more proud of his daughter, it does make his laugh to see the look of disappointment on Roger and Brian's faces though.

So I've just uploaded a new story, Daughter of Torchwood. That is my next big story and I'll continue doing short stories alongside as and when the ideas spring to mind.

If any of you are Torchwood, Doctor Who and/or Sarah Jane Adventure fans please go check it out though it is a mature book. Only the cast and intro chapter is up for the moment, the first chapter is coming on Sunday.

Just to clarify my updating schedule:

Queen short stories - As and when chapters are ready

Daughter of Torchwood - Every Sunday

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