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A request from honeysucklerose78 this is a scene for Deaky's Daughter set 10 years after the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert. I hope you like how I interpreted your request.

Alyssia is 33 years old

Robert is 26 years old

Michael is 24 years old

Laura is 22 years old

Josh is 18 years old

Luke is 9 years old

Cameron is 8 years old

14th May 2002

"Rami," Lilliana crouches beside the bed where Rami is laying ill with the flu.

He peeks one eye open looking her up and down, "Beautiful," He mutters.

Lilliana is off to the premiere of We Will Rock You with all her siblings. Rami should have been going but he caught the flu from work at the school. To give him a night to rest up, Katie and Said are both at sleepovers with friends.

"Thank you," She smiles running her fingers through his hair soothingly, "I'm leaving now so I'll see you later."

"Have fun, love you."

"Love you too," She kisses his forehead and then heads out.

She pulls up in front of her parent's house to pick up Laura, Josh, Luke and Cameron, Robert and Michael will meet them there since they both live in their own places now.

Going in after waiting a moment, "You guys ready? We have to go or we'll be late," The boys are ready but Laura is struggling to find her shoes.

"Found them!" Laura shouts, "I'll just be a moment."

While she has that moment, Lilliana goes into the living room where her parents are, "Hey."

"Lily, you look lovely," Veronica compliments, "How's Rami? Is he feeling any better?"7

"Nope, he's got the full case of the man flu," She loves her husband to pieces but you'd think he was dying the way he's been acting.

"Hey man flu very serious," John smirks at his daughter's mocking.

The teasing doesn't hide the growing tension though, "You know there's an extra ticket now since Rami can't come," She directs it at John, "You could come instead, Dad."

John sighs, "No, Lily." He gives nothing more.

Lilliana opens her mouth to speak again but Veronica gestures for her to not say anymore, "Ready," Laura comes down the stairs, so she ushers her siblings to the car.

Parking nearby they meet Robert and Michael in the same car park and head towards the red carpet. Showing their invitation to security.

She spots Brian straight away and he sees her once he's done with an interview, "Lily!" He smiles pulling her into a hug, "Glad you could all make it."

"As are we," Robert assures him.

The rest of the Deacon siblings head inside but Lilliana remains talking to Brian and then Roger when he joins them, "I did try to get dad here but..."

"It's fine," Roger cuts her off, "We sent an invitation to him too but no response."

"We appreciate you trying though," Brian assures her, "We're just glad you haven't estranged yourself from us."

"I'd never want to," They are her family. The three get a photo together before she follows after her siblings promising to find her uncles after the show.

She finds her seat between Laura and Cameron, "Dad should be here for this," Laura mutters while they wait for it to start.

"I know. I tried to get him to take Rami's place but he refused," He retired from music in 1997 but he was pulling away before that. He took Freddie's loss hard, she knows that and she understands her dad's decision to come away from the limelight, it's him pulling away from Brian and Roger that annoys her. They're his family and he's pushed them away.

"Do you think he'll ever come back to it?" Josh sits forward to ask his eldest sister.

"I don't know, I hope so," She really does. Sitting back when the show starts they are swept into the magic of the musical.

When Brian and Roger appear in the musical, hearing her youngest two brothers expressing how cool it is, Lilliana laughs to herself. Since Freddie's passing Queen's fame has increased tenfold, they're portrayed as rock gods in the musical but she believes that they're rock gods in real life too, in time she's sure everyone will see it. She just hopes her dad won't be forgotten.

As promised, they find Brian and Roger in the private bar after, congratulating them on the musical. Leaving Brian talking to Luke and Cameron about how cool he was, Lilliana joins Roger where he's currently stood alone, "I bet you never thought you'd have a musical to your name."

"Too right," Roger smirks, "I don't know how they talked me into it. Did you enjoy it though?"

"I loved every minute of it. I've got tickets to bring Kate and Said when Rami's feeling better, they'll love it too."

"You'll have to get them to give us some feedback once they have seen it. They and your two youngest brothers are the generations that will grow up not knowing much of Queen."

"Then wait a generation or two and hit them with something that will tell the world who Queen was, who Uncle Freddie was. Queen music won't die out, so many countries know who you are and maybe you'll find the right person someday to step in as a frontman. Queen will perform again."

Roger raises an eyebrow thinking about it, "That would be something but it will have to be someone special to replace Freddie. And I can't imagine your dad will join us."

"No, but that's his loss, I hope one day he'll wake up and realise what he's pushed away. And you don't need to replace Freddie, you just need someone to be a catalyst." He just nods clearly lost in thought.

On the walk back to the car park, Lilliana has a thought and decides to speak it aloud before they split off to their cars, "Before we head home I want to say something. I know we all have different lives to live but I want us to remember we're siblings and if we need each other you only have to call. What I don't want is to become like Queen."

"What do you mean by that?" Luke frowns.

"I mean, the four of them are brothers or they were and the loss of Uncle Freddie has caused a rift. Dad has forgotten they're his family and I never want us to do that."

"I agree," Robert backs her up, "Maybe once in a while we can all meet up, just the seven of us and have a good catch-up. Even if it's just a few times a year, we make time to see each other."

Laura nods putting her fist out, "I hope we never lose one of us the way they lost a brother but if the worst should ever happen we make a promise to never let it pull us apart."

Lilliana puts her fist to her sisters as do Luke, Cameron, Robert and Michael, "You guys are acting like a cheesy movie," Josh snorts but puts his fist into.

"We're family," Michael adds.

"We're Deacons," Lilliana corrects, "We stick together."

Sorry for the cheesy ending there but I like it and I hope you do too.

Keep the requests coming.

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