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This a request from nascarlover88 a deleted scene from Little Mercury. Set in Amelia's high school days in that rough two-month period between chapters Aftermath and Solo when Paul is in the picture before Freddie goes to Munich and Amelia goes live with Roger. She is 13.

Since fighting with her dad, Amelia finds any possible excuse not to be at home, going to Rosie's, Brianna's or Jessica's after school, helping Veronica with the kids at the weekend or spending time with Ben.

Set in her last lesson of the day, she is trying to figure out a way of lessening her time at home today. Her friends and Ben all have other things to do after school so she can't go over to theirs like normal, she knows the Deacons are busy too and Roger and Brian are too far out but going home she knows Paul will be there, she will be expected to be nice to him.

Not something she wants to do.

With no other plan in mind, she decides to take a leaf out of the other kid's books and be a troublemaker for the lesson which happens to be a supply teacher. It's not hard for her to do as she doesn't like the teacher since she keeps calling her Mia, something only her mum called her.

She barely pays attention to the teacher, talks over her to others in the class getting her first two warnings and then as pulled the last warning, "Amelia?" The teacher calls on her, "The answer?" She points to the question on the board.

Amelia shrugs, "How should I know?"

"Excuse me?" The teacher looks at her shocked but stern, Amelia doesn't miss her friend's looks telling her to stop, "If you'd been paying attention during the lesson you would know the answer. So we'll try again. Mia..."

"Milly!" That's the final straw and Amelia blows a fuse slamming her hands on the table and standing, "My name is Milly! Only my mum calls me Mia and I hate her, she abused and neglected me as a child and now she's in prison."

The plan was originally to get in a little bit of trouble and get a 5-minute detention or something but she managed to put herself in a really bad mood, "Miss Mercury, calm down this is your last warning. I'm aware things aren't great at home but acting out..."

"Aware?! You have no idea what being at home is like, stuck up in my room because my dad is busy with someone I loathe and he thinks I'm a liar. Go on little miss supply teacher put me in detention, isolation, expel me, I don't care but if you keep calling me Mia I'm going straight to the head teacher's office to get you fired."

The entire class stares at her, as does the teacher till she regains her composer, "Stand outside Miss Mercury and calm down. We will have a discussion at the end of the lesson."

Rolling her eyes, Amelia scowls and stands outside ignoring her friend's attempts to talk to her, she's not in the mood.

At the end of the lesson, everyone leaves and the teacher takes a calm approach calling her back in and sitting at the table opposite her, "Now Milly," She makes a point to call her that, "Can you tell me what that was all about?"

"I hadn't intended to go that far," She admits a few tears rolling down her face, "I just wanted to get detention so I don't have to go home. But I hate being called Mia, as I said only my mum ever called me that at I hate her, it put me in a bad mood and I'm sorry."

"Well, thank you for apologising and I apologise for not listening when you asked me to call you Milly, I should have realised there might be a reason. Are things that bad at home?"

She nods, "The person my dad is with is pulling me and him apart but my dad can't see that. He thinks I'm making things up."

"I'm sorry. I will have you stay for an hour detention tonight because talking to an adult like that is unacceptable but I think you know that already," Amelia nods, "So I won't take this any further and on record I'll put talking in class, does that sound agreeable?"

Amelia nods again, "Thank you."


Getting home Amelia is met at the door by her dad, "Where have you been? School finished nearly two hours ago."

"Like you care," She mutters brushing past him and heading for the stairs.

"Of course, I care!" He grabs her arm stopping her from going any further, "Why didn't you ring from one of your friend's houses like you usually do."

"Because I wasn't at a friend's but the school is meant to ring you when a student has to stay behind."

"You stayed behind at school?" Freddie frowns her band does lunchtime practice instead of after school now and she's not part of any other clubs that he knows of, "Why did you stay Milly?"

"I had detention," She pulls her arm from him.

"Detention?! It better of been a class one," His eyes blaze when she shakes her head, "Amelia, detention really?! You're better than that, what did you do to get detention?"

"I was talking in class," She's not going to tell him the real reason because he'd blow a fuse.

Freddie sighs shaking his head, "I don't what has gotten into you lately but it needs to stop. The attitude, the talking back... what happened to the sweet girl you were only a year ago?"

"She grew up because that fruit fly is hanging around her dad and clouding his judgement. Get rid of him and it stops until then leave me alone," She storms up to her bedroom slamming the door shut and then slides to the floor, pulling her knees to her chest and crying in Jerry's fur when she picks him up for a cuddle.

Hope you enjoyed it, please keep the requests coming. 

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