He Was There

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This is a deleted scene from Miss Mercury, set around the chapter Best Surprises. Gwilym mentioned in Script Read that he had been at Amelia's opening night as Eponine in Les Miserables, this is that scene.

June 2004

Gwilym walks back from the shop when his phone rings. Slipping it from his pocket he sees his sister's name, "Hi Rhi."

"Gwil. What are you doing Friday evening?"

"Um..." He runs the date over in his brain, "Nothing in the evening. I have a class first thing but that finishes at 11am, why?"

"Well, I've got us west-end tickets to Les Miserables at 7pm."

"Can I ask why?" It's quite random, to his knowledge his sister has never been interested in Les Miserables before now.

"Because it's opening night and your girlfriend is playing Eponine."

That pecks his interest, "Amelia isn't my girlfriend anymore, Rhi," He sighs wishing that weren't the truth, "Hasn't been for a year and six months."

After Amelia went back to London he kept in touch with her, they messaged frequently but a year ago someone broke into the shared house he was living in with other Uni students and they stole his phone amongst other things. He lost Amelia's number with it.

It annoys him to think about it because he can imagine she was quite hurt by his sudden lack of response. Following the break-in, he moved into the flat that Amelia had rented when she was in Cardiff and he is still living there until he moves to London in September.

"Not that your counting or anything," She scoffs, "You've been miserable ever since, little bro. So let's go watch her in her dream role then maybe after you can talk to her."

Sighing he just gives in knowing there's no point in saying no. The likelihood that he'll get a chance to talk to her is slim but he'd at least like to support her, he knows how long she's dreamt of this role.


Friday night comes around he meets his sister at the Paddington Station in London before they head to the Queen's Theatre.

Sitting in the audience, Gwilym looks up at the stage from the stalls. They're 6 rows back from the front but when Amelia comes onto the stage as Eponine he suddenly feels like he's front row and the only person there.

Until seeing her again he didn't realise just how much he's missed her. He's proud of her though, two years since they met and she's reached her dream role and portraying the role very well too.

Like when he saw her in Beauty and the Beast, he and his sister are captivated. Out of the corner of his eye, he's certain he spied his sister wiping away a tear or two when she sings On My Own.

After it ended they wait for those around them to move before following suit. Out in the foyer, they linger until Rhiannon tries to get her brother backstage to see Amelia.

Security dismisses her, "But he knows Amelia," She objects, "He was her..."

"Rhi!" Gwilym hisses pulling her away and apologising to the guy.

"You know her."

"But they don't know that and shouting at them that I'm her ex is not going to help, it's just food for the gossip magazines," He gestures to some of the media representatives that are lingering in the foyer. He wouldn't want to ruin Amelia's career because of something like that, "Let's get a drink from the bar then go."

Heading to the bar area he stops his sister in the doorway seeing Amelia talking to Brian May and Roger Taylor. Her whole family is there for her, he smiles to see them celebrating her but he can't intrude on her with her family.

"Go talk to her," Rhiannon encourages her brother.

He shakes his head, "She's with her family," None of them had noticed the pair so he pulls his sister back towards the foyer.

"Why are you avoiding every opportunity you have to speak to her?" She asks him once they're outside, "You could..."

"No!" He interrupts her, abruptly turning to face her so she can see the tears held back in his eyes, "It wouldn't work and I can't go through the pain of loving her with my whole heart to end it again because we're both still at different points in our lives. Maybe one day years from now things might be different and hopefully, I'll see her again but for now, I need to let her go."

It kills him to do it but she's going up in her career right now and he's just trying to find his start. He'll just keep hope for one day in the future.

The first three chapters have been close together but the next ones will be more spaced out as I'm currently reading through my Queen stories one by one to find any deleted scenes or some inspiration for one-shots that I can put in this book so please bare with...

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