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A request from vampiregirl2131097 a deleted scene from Little Mercury set just after the chapter Telling. Set on Freddie's birthday in 1985 Amelia has just turned 17 years old and found out she's pregnant. I'm going to start the chapter with the last bit of chapter Telling, just after she's run home from telling her grandparents about the pregnancy and Bomi reacted badly.

Amelia had already been home ten minutes by the time Freddie made it back in the car. He races inside, "Is she here?" He asks Jim when he finds him outside Amelia's door.

"Yeah, what happened? She was in tears when she got here and came straight to her room."

"Papa didn't take the news for a great-grandchild very well," He's annoyed at himself for not trying harder to stick up for his daughter when Bomi kicked off.

Freddie opens her bedroom door but it's empty. The sound of her being sick in her bathroom draws him in and he kneels behind her holding her hair and rubbing her back, "Morning sickness hitting in the afternoons now?"

"I don't think my body liked the improvised running session," She flushes the toilet and washes her mouth out, tear tracks now dry on her face.

He guides her to the bed and climbs on beside her, letting her cuddle into him, "He'll come around Milly, Mama will make sure of that. I know they were hard words to hear and I'm sorry I didn't stop him, I just never expected him to say that."

"I expected him to be upset but I never expect that bad of a reaction. I'm sorry I ignored to when I came in, Jim," She apologises as Jim sits on the other side of the bed, "But I would have been sick over you if I hadn't. I didn't want a repeat of when I was sick on Uncle Rog."

Jim chuckles, "No need to apologise," Freddie told him about that, and they laughed for a good while after. They stay comforting her until she falls asleep.


An hour after falling asleep Amelia wakes, her stomach growling in need of food. Before venturing downstairs she remembers that it is in fact her dad's birthday and she has yet to give him his present.

Grabbing the large wrapped item from her walk-in wardrobe she carries it downstairs, "What in the heavens is that?" Freddie frowns at the size of it.

"Your birthday present," She hands it to him then pauses him, "Don't open it until I come back in."

She goes to the kitchen quickly putting together a sandwich then rejoins them, "Can I open it now?" He asks eager to see inside.

"Go ahead," She nods.

"Judging by the shape it's not another cat which I'm glad of. Ten is more than enough even for me," He pulls the wrapping paper off and gasps, "Where did you get this?" He props the canvas up and stands back to admire the painting.

 Ten is more than enough even for me," He pulls the wrapping paper off and gasps, "Where did you get this?" He props the canvas up and stands back to admire the painting

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"I painted it," She admits with a shrug.

"Wow," Jim's jaw drops.

"You painted this yet you never took art for GCSE?" Freddie scoffs, "This should be in a gallery."

"It was in the school gallery. I painted it in year 9 before GCSE's begin we were given a project, a different slip of paper with a caption on it and told to interpret it onto a canvas. My caption was What inspires you?"

Freddie pulls her into a hug, his eyes misty knowing she did that when he was in Munich, she still looked up to him even after he abandoned her and the things he said, "You do like it?" She checks.

"I love it," He kisses the top of her head, "Thank you."

By lunchtime the next day, the painting is hanging pride of place above the fireplace in the music room.

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