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A request from BrianBadgerMay this is a deleted scene from Baby May, which comes after the chapter Breaking, following Alyssia's second stay in rehab after losing Toby.

Anita and Brian have had Ivy and Olivia in their care for two weeks while Alyssia has been in rehab. Later today she is being discharged and will come by to pick the girls up to take them home.

While Anita is upstairs with Olivia doing tummy time Brian is in the kitchen with Ivy, "Eggs" She pushes the egg box over to her Grandpa.

"Eggs," He cracks them into the bowl.

"Flour," She passes him the heavy bag.

He takes it measuring out what they need along with the rest of the ingredients, they're making a cake for Alyssia.

"Last is chocolate," Passing the melted chocolate to him not before dipping her finger in to lick it.

Brian chuckles, "Save you for the cake. Now," He pushes the bowl in front of her and stands behind her, "It needs mixing."

Grabbing a wooden spoon, he helps her mix it, his large hand over hers as the strength, "It's hard work," Ivy huffs once her arms start getting tired.

"Well, I think it's all mixed, get the tins please," He lets her down from her stool and mixes it a little more to make sure it is done. Pouring it into the tins once Ivy puts them on the side.

Being the adult, he puts to cakes in the oven to bake but turns back to Ivy licking the spoon her face and hands covered in chocolate, "You'll get a tummy ache," He takes the bowl but leave her with the spoon.

"But it tastes nice," She continues to eat the last bits no care about the tummyache she'll have later.

Cleaning up the initial mess he is surprised when a cloud of flour rains on him, looking up Ivy's spoon is discarded and her hands are covered in flour.

Her eyes are wide with mischief as she giggles to herself, Brian raises an eyebrow, grabs a sprinkle of the white powder and throws it at her.

A few more throws at each other and it's a full flour fight, Anita clearing her throat is what stops Ivy from dumping the whole bag of flour on her Grandpa's head, "Ivy put it down."

She's in Brian's hold him trying to get the bag from her holding it above his head, she pouts and puts it down. Not before she gets some in her hand splatting it into Brian's hair.

Brian gasps at her giggles intending to get his revenge, "Brian!" Anita stops him taking her granddaughter from her, "You're the adult here."

"She started it," He protests sticking his tongue out at Ivy as Anita takes her upstairs to wash her hands and face.

After lunch, the cake is baked and cooled, ready to be iced. They've just mixed the frosting when Alyssia arrives.

"Mummy!" Ivy abandons her task and runs to her mum.

Alyssia picks her up kissing her cheek, "Oh, I've missed you."

"Me and Grandpa have baked a cake for you."

She looks past her daughter to where Brian is waiting for her return, "Thank you, baby. Go and finish it then, Grandpa's waiting. I'm going to see, Olivia," She puts her eldest down and goes to the living room where Anita and Olivia are.

They decorate the cake then Ivy carries it into the living room with Brian behind, a tray of tea in hand, "Mummy, look," She shows her the cake.

"Wow, baby," Alyssia lifts Ivy onto her knee, "That looks so good, I think I need to try a piece."

"I definitely need to try a piece," Anita grins, taking the cake from her and cutting a piece for each of them. After eating they get ready to leave.

Alyssia puts the girl's bags in the boot of her car, then clips Olivia into her car seat while Ivy says bye to her grandparents. Once Ivy is in the car, she hugs Anita and Brian, thanking them for having the girls. She feels better for having the time to grieve without worrying about the girls.

I hope you liked how I made this request, keep the requests coming.

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