Stranger Things

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The Dungeon Master and his Ranger
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson

On the 17th of October 1989 abroximatly three years after Eddie had awakened multiple things
in him by holding a sharp piece of glass to his jugular, Steve Harrington woke up by himself.
Which wouldn't have been a problem if the world hadn't openened up several years ago traumatizing him for life and he hadn't been sleeping in the same bed as Eddie since the day he had almost died.

He panicked shortly before forcing himself to calm down because Vecna was dead and the Interdimensional rift had been closed taking a suprisingly small number of lives with.
Steve breathed, trying to regulate his heart rate. Eddie was probably in the bathroom or on their small balcony smoking a cigarette he had vowed to quit.

Steve was going lay back down and try to sleep again because it was three in the morning and he had work in the morning and Robin would kill him if he showed up late again goddamnit!

He had just settled comfortably before shooting up again because was that a voice?
Was someone in the apartment?
Where was Eddie?
Was he ok?

Steve jumped out of bed and sprinted through their very short hallway almost crashing into the bathroom door, because he had almost missed the opening to the livingroom.

He entered, looking around the room widley. The livingroom was empty except for Eddie who was sat on the couch with a big bowl in his lap, staring up at Steve like he'd never seen him before in his life, even though they'd been living together for over two years.

"You ok there Stevie?" He asked washed in the pale light emitting from the TV.

Steve couldn't answer, still breathing too heavily to form words and looking around because although he couldn't see it, it didn't mean that danger wasn't lurking in the shadows, ready to pounce up and rip his life out of his skin.

"Hey Steve. It's ok. It was only the TV, see..." Eddie held out his hand, a clear invitation for Steve to come and join him.

Steve looked at Eddie and tried to calm himself again. He walked over slowly, now feeling the rush of shame because he had so grossly overreacted. His long trek towards his boyfriend finally ended and he collapsed onto the couch where Eddie was waiting for him with literal open arms.
Steve's throat hurt and his eyes burned and he could feel himself fighting so hard to keep the crying away.

"Did I wake you?" Eddie asked. stroking Steve's back reassuringly. Steve shook his head.

"No. I- I just woke up and you weren't there. I panicked..." He explained looking at his lap ashamed. But Eddie nodded solemnly.

"I'm sorry but I'm here and I'm ok." Steve was so thankful for Eddie because he never made him feel stupid, ever.

"I know." Steve said and let out a huff of air. Then he peered into the bowl that had previously been on Eddie's lap but had now found a new space on the coffee table.

"Is that my brownie?" He asked. He had started baking a few months ago and was still getting the hang of it. Not long ago he had put a full egg, shell and all in his flour and sugar mixture because the recipe had called for a whole egg. Until Will, who had been his baking Partner since he'd started had kindly explained that while baking, a whole egg meant whole egg minus shell.

Eddie grinned sheepishly.

"It was good! You didn't even try it!" Eddie complained wrapping his arms around Steve's waist.

"Because it came out of the oven burnt to a crisp!" Steve explained staring doubtfully at the remnants of Brownie that even in the darkness of the room seemed to suck all the light into like a black hole.

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