Stranger Things

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Let's shut up and kiss
Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler

Robin Buckley was absolutely 100% sure that Nancy Wheeler hated her.

Because the girl, would freeze up and stop talking when Robin was near.

And Nancy, well, Nancy didn't know how to act around Robin. She felt feelings that confused her when she caught glimpses of the other girl. Feelings she was sure wouldn't amount to anything because A) Robin wasn't into women... And B) Nancy was positve Robin had a crush on Steve.

Dispite their strained relationship, they did not stop hanging out with each other and the other two young adults of the group and yeah sure at first it had been awkward especially when Steve had told Nancy that he was dating Eddie, Robin had known by just looking at them, and that every further hangout with the four of them would basically be Robin and Nancy respectively third and forth wheeling the pair.

Like now, or well that evening.

About a year after the last time they had seen or heard of the upside down and only a few months after Steve and Eddie had started going out.

They had spent all afternoon bowling, Eddie and Steve acting like the disgusting cutesy couple, Eddie had helped Steve throw a ball, even if it was evidently clear that Steve was the better player of the four, and Nancy had caught Robin watching the two of them, then glancing to Nancy and then turning red and looking at her shoes.

After the bowling were Nancy had barely been able to keep all of her feelings deep and bottled inside, they had gone back to Steve's apartment and had started a movie that Eddie had been adamant about watching, claiming it was the best movie to have ever been made and nothing could or would beat it ever.

But the credits were rolling and the two boys had fallen asleep halfway through and the girls had been left watching as a group of green goblins kidnapped a woman who then learned that she was actually a secret warrior queen and in all it had been very confusing, Nancy was probably not going to watch it again.

She looked at Robin who was looking at her and they both looked away.

Nancy turned red and focused on studying her sleeping friends, Eddie was sat on the couch his head thrown back exposing the column of his throat, Steve was sprawled out on the couch his head resting on Eddie's lap and they looked so domestic and homely that Nancy's heart ached, she wanted that, she wanted that with Robin.

Their silence was getting awkward and she decided to break it.

Robin must have had the same thought because they opnend their mouths at the same time.

"Do you like Steve?"

"Why do you hate me?"



They stared at each other for a while trying to comprehend what the other was asking.

Robin asked first.

"Why do you hate me?" she asked again and she looked so small. Nancy had seen her kill monsters but here in the dark glow of the credits screen she had shrunk down onto herself. Nancy wanted to take her into her arms and keep her safe.

"I-I don't hate you, Robin."

"You don't?" Robin asked picking at a tassle on the carpet they were sat on.

Nancy shifted, so that she sat cross-legged infront of Robin.

"No of course I don't!" the exact opposite actually Nancy though but she wasn't going to say that, not to Robin, who had a painfully obvious crush on the boy in the yellow jumper sleeping on the couch.

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