Criminal Minds

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I can help you sleep at night
Spencer Reid/Aaron Hotchner

The case was over, the bad guy James Faulkner was behind bars and was going to stay there for the rest of his life and Hotch didn't neccesarily believe in arbitrary beliefs like Heaven and Hell but he was sure that asshole was gonna spend all of eternity in the latter.

So, the case was over and everyone was sleeping, it was two in the morning after all and the jet was set to leave in only a handful of hours, and Hotch was tired, so tired and he wanted sleep, needed sleep but instead he was walking down the short hallway to room nr.203. He could hear Gideon's snoring and wished his friend and college good dreams.

It was so late but Aaron was still awake and there was no doubt in his mind that Reid was still up aswell. The door to room nr.203 looked the same as the door to room nr.207 the one he'd just walked out of. He raised his fist to knock but the door opened and a tired looking Spencer peeked out. His face broke out into a smile when he caught sight of Hotch still in his shirt and dress pants with his sleeves folded up to his elbows. Reid opened the door a little more and moved out of the way
to let the older man in.

Hotch heard the door shut and he instantly relaxed. Reid had the effect on him. Aaron could be just
Aaron with Spencer. And a bonus point, Reid knew what Hotch lived through on a daily basis, he could relate which had been one of the main reason his marriage with Haley had fallen apart. He still loved her, he always would but more in a way of friendship, more like we have a child together but nothing more.

It was different with Reid it had always been different with Reid and Hotch had three theories for this:

1. This was Aaron's first relationship with a man, although his attraction to men had started long before he had realized what it meant and then one sunny day Hotch had walked into his office where a smiley Dr. Spencer Reid had been sitting demanding a job and Hotch's world had imploded because Oh...

2. Reid was so much younger than him, with 17 years between them Hotch had spent the first few weeks of their relationship constantly fretting over the thought that he was taking advantage of the younger man, until said man had sat him down one evening reminding him that he had been the one to ask Hatch out and that he was and had been old enough to make his own desciones and drink alcohol so Hotch had dropped it, contenting himself with being happy for the first time in a long time.

And theory 3. Their relationship was secret, and it was fun. Most times... sometimes Aaron wanted nothing more than to walk up to his boyfriend's (yes boyfriend!) desk and kiss him infront of everyone but they had both decided that it was better to keep them a secret, what with the fact that Hotch was Reid's boss.

Reid wrapped his arms around Hotch's upperbody and planted a kiss on his nape.

"You ok?" Spencer asked, admittedly this case had been rather difficult for the older Agent due to the
fact that his son was the same age the victims had been.
Hotch nodded, turning around in Spencer's embrace so he could hug the other back. Now face to face
Reid leaned forward to press his lips against Aaron's.
Despite this having started well over a year ago it still sent fireworks down Hotch's spine whenever spencer showed even an ounce of affection.

"You're tired." Hotch stated, brushing a lock of hair out of Spencer eyes.

"Yeah but so are you." Reid said, Aaron hmmd his agreement already starting to walk them back towards the bed. Spencer went down when the backs of his legs collided with the bed. Aaron followed and landed on his side not wanting to crush his skinny boyfriend.
Spencer traced Hotch's lips with his finger before hooking his hand around his neck and pulling him closer. Their lips touched and Hotch moaned. His hand curled itself in Reid's sleep shirt, bunching it up allowing for some of the pearly white skin to poke through.

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