Stranger Things

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I'll tell the world I love you
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson

After defeating the big bad in the upside down, things kind of went back to normal for most people. Only Eddie and Steve decided to come out of the entire mess as boyfriends and had stayed that way.

It was the year 1998, and Steve was supporting his boyfriend and his band at a festival on the other side of the country.

He wasn't alone, the whole gang was there but Lucas, Max, Robin, Vicki, Nancy and Jonathan were with him, right at the front, their stomachs pressed right against the railings. But never in hell were they going to lose these places. It was the first time Eddie's band had actually been asked to play somewhere.

The rest of the gang were dispersed throughout the festival either watching other acts or gouging themselves on much too expensive food but all having promised to come to watch the band play.

They had been standing in the hot sun for a good four hours and Steve knew that the next band to perform on this stage was Eddie's.

The Hawkins hellfires were a metal/rock band. Consisting of Erica Sinclair on the drums, Chrissy Cunningham as a back up vocalist and keyboardist, Argyle as bass and Eddie beautiful, talanted, amazing Eddie as main vocalist and guitar.

The stage lights turned on and Steve's heart fluttered with excitement as the first few notes of a song called, my head in the upside down, written by Eddie and Steve strummed through the loudspeakers.

Argyle was the first to step onto the stage, playing the song. Then Chrissy Cunningham came out waving to the audience and smiling, all sign of the sweet innocent cheerleader was gone and had been replaced with a black tube top, a black leather miniskirt and a bunch of colored strands in her hair and skin adorned with tattoos.

Then Erica walked onto the stage stealing thro crowds attention, twizzeling drumsticks, before knocking them together while she sat herself down at her seat. Steve heard Lucas whoop for his sister next to him.

And then Eddie walked onto stage, and Steve wasn't sure if the crowd went wild or if it was just him. But Eddie looked like a God. His hair still hung past his shoulders, his worn Jean jacket clinging to his frame, Steve was so close he could see the small rainbow pin, the one with their initials scratched into the back sitting snuggle amongst all the other pins and patched on the jacket.

Eddie had his guitar hanging from the sling around his neck, his hands were in the air greeting the public and when he turned to greet his bandmates Steve saw the black bandana in his back pocket. He remembered all those years ago when Eddie had finally explained what it meant and Steve had turned bright red.

Argyle was still playing the opening of the song and then Erica started and they were off.

Steve had seen Eddie perform before, but never like this. Never in a crowd infront of so many people and Steve almost cried with how proud he was. Way back when Eddie had told him he was going to start a band Steve had blinked at him, he had said fine and had let Eddie convert their garage into a makeshift studio and when Argyle showed up claiming to have heard that there was a band that needed a bass player Steve had led him to it.

Then Erica had joined one day. And then during a gig with just the three of them, little miss Chrissy cunningham, ex-head cheerleader, had walked up and had asked to audition.

And ever since then Eddie and his band had been doing little gigs at shitty little bars and Steve had been at all of them always ready to support his boyfriend.

After the first two songs of their set, Eddie spoke to the public. And Steve could not contain the happiness when he heard Eddie's voice boom through the loudspeaker, especially when his boyfriend looked down at him and grinned, and Steve was teleported back to the 80s when Dustin had introduced them. Same grin, same man, same Eddie.

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