Stranger Things

4 0 0

Nicotine love
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson

Steve watched Eddie blow the smoke out if his nose. Eddie turned his head to grin at Steve and offered him the cigarette.

"Take it!" he urged. Steve sighed and grasped the cigarette between his fingers. He studied it, watching the glow crawl up the end.

"Come on!" Eddie did little wavy movements with his hand.

"I haven't done this before!" Steve complained but holding the cigarette up to his lips.

He took a drag and let the smoke out immediately.

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"You're supposed to swallow, Steve!" he explained.

"I did!" Steve answered, he hadn't.

"No, again!"

Steve rolled his eyes and took another drag, but before he could let the smoke out, Eddie clamped his hand over his mouth and Steve was forced to swallow.

They were very close to each other. And Steve could look nowhere but right into Eddie's eyes, God they were pretty.

He felt his eyes water as soon as the smoke entered his lungs and he coughed it out as soon as Eddie released his mouth.

His throat and nose burned and he wanted more.

More smoke,

More of the burning,

More Eddie.

"How was it?" Eddie asked.

"I feel like I can smell color." Steve answered matter of factly.

They sat in silence again, Steve getting the hang of inhaling the smoke and letting it out, he wasn't going to try letting it out of his nostrils just yet.

"Do you know what shotgunning is?" Eddie asked breaking the silence that had settled over them.

"No." Steve answered shaking his head.

"One of us smokes and exhales the smoke into the others mouth." Eddie explained.


"Do you wanna try?"

That require them getting extremely close to each other. Steve wanted.


"I'll blow the smoke into your mouth OK?" Eddie decided.


Steve watched Eddie bring the cigarette to his mouth, watched him wrap his lips around the end and blow, watched him lower the cigarette, watched him lean forward.

And then Eddie's face was infront of Steve's and Steve opened his mouth and felt Eddie blow the smoke into his mouth.

And they were so fucking close, and Steve wanted to be closer.

But Eddie leaned back again and Steve could do nothing but let the smoke seep out of his mouth.

"Again?" Eddie asked. Steve nodded.

It happened again, their faces only inches apart the smoke, Eddie's hair tickled Steve's face.

They did it again and again. But it wasn't enough for Steve he needed more, more of Eddie, more of this.

"Me!" Steve said and held out his hand, Eddie handed him the cigarette and Steve took a drag. He held the smoke in his mouth and grabbed Eddie by the back of his neck and smasjed their lips together. Their mouths opened and Steve felt the smoke unfurl out of his mouth and into Eddie's. But they stayed connected and when the smoke hit Steves cheeks because Eddie was blowing it out of his nose. There was no reason for them to stay like that but they did. Lips still connected Steve hand still grasping firmly into the hair on the back of Eddie's neck. And then Eddie raised his hand and grabbed Steve's chin. Pulling his his head closer, his lips.

They disconnected to breath.

"Again" Steve muttered.

"The- uhm the cigarette?" Eddie asked, blushing.

"No idiot!"


And they were kissing again. And Eddie's hands wandered down to Steve's hips and grabbed them before pulling him onto his own lap. Steve gasped at the movement. Eddie pulled back.

"Is this too much?" he asked worry lining his features.

"No, it's not enough." Steve answered truthfully and grazed Eddie's lips with his own.

Eddie let out a guttural sound, a bit like a growl and chased the kiss. They stayed like that for a while, Steve on Eddie's lap, kisses stolen from each other's lips and hands roaming discovering each others bodies, claiming it as their own.

Steve pulled back after a while and leaned his head into Eddie's shoulder.
He sighed and enjoyed the feeling of Eddie running his hand over Steve's spine.

"What does this mean?" Steve asked. He turned his head to glance up at Eddie.

"I think it means you like guys..." Eddie stated.

"No, I knew that. I mean about us. What does this mean about us?" Steve explained.

"Oh, well I guess. Do you wanna be with me?"

"Like boyfriends?"

"Sure, unless you wanne be just makeout buddies..."

"No, no. Boyfriends is good." Steve smiled into Eddie's neck and gave it a little peck.

"OK cool, Boyfriend." Eddie said and Steve could hear a smile in his voice.

"Boyfriend." Steve nodded.

"Can I call you baby?"

"eww, no!"


"Eddie!" Steve warned.

"lovebunny?" Eddie continued.


Eddie was about to say another name but Steve shut him up with a kiss.

Eddie laughed into the kiss and brought his hand up to cup Steve's cheek.

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