Chapter Three- Finding Louis

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Liam POV:

     Niall and I run out of the hospital and realized we couldn't just leave Harry unattended. Niall volunteered to stay with him again. Niall goes back to Harry as I am running to the car. Where would Louis be?! I called Zayn and told him to meet me in the hotel driveway. 

     "Have you seen anyone walk out in the middle of the night last night?" I ask the attendant.

     "Yes, he went that way" she replied pointing to my left.

     I see Zayn and yell, "C'mon! Follow me to the car!" We are in the car and drive off to the left. 

     "God, I hope Louis is okay. I hope he hasn’t done anything stupid." Zayn said.

     Knowing Louis, he is probably just walking around. Where could he be?

     "Try calling his phone." I told zayn. After a couple of seconds he said that Louis' phone was off.

     "Oh Louis, Where are you?" I mumbled.

Louis POV:

     It was 3:30 AM. Liam was gone. Probably to go and check on Niall. Zayn was still sleeping so I thought I would leave. I was so upset so I thought that a walk might help me feel better. Well, it didn't. I could see the hospital from where I was so I started to cry, thinking about Harry. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. I went into a shop and just sat down. There was a TV in the room so I asked a woman to change it to the news. 

     <The famous singer of One Direction, Harry Styles, was shot during the last concert of their tour. He is in the hospital, but his current condition is unknown. Investigators are working long hours to find out who had done this, and why. All we know is that the bullet hit him in the stomach but it is unknown where it came from in the large audience. We suspect......>

    I didn't want to listen to that anymore. I walk back outside and asked a young woman where the nearest drug store was.

     "Take your first left, then a right and it will be on the corner." She replied.

     "Thanks." I said back with a little smile. I am walking down the street when I heard some people talking about Harry. 

     "..... Harry Styles died. Yah! They were showing it on channel 7 news!"

     Oh no! Can it really be?! Why wouldn't one of the boys tell me this?! I want to be with him! I wanted to be there for him, but if this is true... This can't be happening. I start to cry again, as I am walking to the drug store. 

     I just want to see him one last time. I thought to myself. I walk into the store and find a bottle of pain killers. The store only had the small bottle in stock. 

     "I hope this will still work." I said to myself. I walk up to the counter getting ready to buy the bottle, realizing I had left my wallet at the hotel. Thankfully, I was carrying around a spare $10 bill. I purchase the pain killers and walk over and sit on a bus bench. I look at the bottle of pills and open them. I start to take them. In a few minutes, I passed out.

Zayn POV:

    "Is that him?" I ask aloud, thinking I spotted Louis. 

     "No, Louis isn't as tall. Or round." Said Liam. 

   "Wait a minute... I SEE HIM! THERE ON THE BUS BENCH!" I said as I was pointing out the window.  Wait...

     "What is that in his hand?" I asked Liam worried. 

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