Chapter Twenty Six - The Mall

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"Haz, what’s wrong?" I say worrily, climbing up on the bed.

I crawl over to him and wrap my arms around him. 

'I just can't stop thinking about it," He says.

"Harry, what are you talking about?"

"Olivia. What if she comes back again and kills you?" he says. "And then just seeing what she did. It is hard."

"She won't come back," I say. "They have more security around us than you know."

"I just can't lose you," He says. "I love you."

"I love you too Haz," I say.

I lean in for a kiss and he does as well. 

Our lips collide in a sweet, passionate kiss. Sparks are flying everywhere. I don't care about anything anymore. I just want my Hazza to be safe with me. I love him more than I ever have at this moment. 

We hear a knock at the door and we pull apart. I rest my head on Harry’s chest. 

"Come in," I say.

My mom walks in. 

"Is everything okay? I heard crying."

"Yeah we are alright mum," I say. 

"Oh alright. Are you all okay with pancakes in the morning?" She asks.

We both say yes and my mom is delighted. We say our goodnights and she shuts the door.

"Harry, there is nothing to worry about. It will all be okay," I assure him. 

"Alright I guess," he says. 

"Let’s try to get some sleep. Okay?" 

"Alright. I love you boo," harry says. 

"Love you too Haz."

I burry my head on his chest and he lightly strokes my hair until I fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up to the sweet aroma of my mother’s cooking and harry softly snoring. 

I accidentally sneeze, waking up harry. 

"Morning boo," he says. "What is that wonderful smell?" He asks. 

"Morning," I say with a smile. "My mom is making breakfast this morning, remember?" 

"Well it is making me hungry," he says as his stomach growls. 

"Want it go get some food?" I ask. 

"Sure!" he says excitedly. 

He helps me into my chair and I roll out of the small room and down the hall to the dining room.

"Morning mum," I say. 

"Morning sweetie! Everything is on the table ready to eat." 

Harry stares at the large amounts of food on the table and I laugh at his expression. I go up to the table and sit down. Harry sits next to me and we start piling the food onto our plates.

I pass Harry the syrup and he pours it onto his pancakes. I take it after him and do the same. We both begin to eat and harry and I are thinking the same thing- how amazing these pancakes are.

My mom baked strawberry, blueberry, chocolate chip, and buttermilk pancakes. It is enough to feed 4 households! 

"Mum, these are amazing!"  I say. 

"Thank you! Now don't hold back on eating, have as many as you want!" She says.

I offer harry some bacon and he accepts putting a few pieces on his plate. I take some and bite into it. 

"So do you two have any plans for the day?" My mom asks. 

"No, not that I can think of," I say. "But if it is okay with you and Haz, I would like to take you all on a shopping trip over at the mall!"

"Oh that would be delightful!" My mom says. 

"Is that okay with you harry?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that would be nice!" He says. 

"I will go tell the girls to get ready. What time do you want to leave out?" 

"Let's shoot for 11 so we can grab some lunch while we are there. I think 2 hours should be enough."

I look over and harry has already finished his 8 pancakes. 

"Wow, were you a little hungry this morning?" I ask laughing. 

"Yeah, that pizza last night didn't fill me up much," He says.

"You should have told me so I could have gotten you something else!" I tell him. 

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