Chapter Twenty Three - A Week Later

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It has been about a week and Louis' cuts and bruises are for the most part healed, which we are all happy about. He still has to be in the chair but he has gotten used to it now. 

We haven’t really done much since the night I gave him the watch. I finally convinced Lou to let me help him bathe last night so now he is clean. 

"Harry, can you come help me?" Louis asks. 

I walk into the kitchen and he asks for the milk and a box of cereal. I help him get the two things. We usually leave things on the counter now because he needs to reach things. He can't get out of his wheel chair. 

He makes himself a bowl of cereal and comes into the living room. We watch the news for a little bit. 

"I am still surprised that word hasn’t gotten out about the whole vacation thing," I say. 

"I know. It’s surprising. I guess that it is possible to have some sort of a personal life."

Louis finished his bowl and we are now Skypeing Louis mom and dad back at home. We decided to break the news today. 

"Hi Mum, Dad!" Louis says. 

"Hi Lou! Hi Harry! Is everything okay?" Louis mom asks.

"Actually I am getting much better. All of my marks are disappearing finally!"

"Oh that is great!"

"But we called to tell you something," Louis says, looking at me. 

"Oh what is it?" She asks. 

Well, Harry and I are now dating! But we need you not to tell anyone outside of the family," Louis says. 

"OH I KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME!" She says excited. "I am so happy for you two!"

The video chat did not last long, but Louis was happy to tell his mom. I decided I would just call my mom later and tell her. 

"Are you not going to tell yours?" Louis asks me.

"Later," I say. 

Louis puts the computer on the side table and we just cuddle up and watch some TV.



Zayn has gone home, so it gives Liam and I a chance to really be with each other. 

I still feel like I am dreaming when I think back that Liam said he liked me the way I liked him. I mean, it was totally unexpected on my part.

Liam plops down on the couch next to me. 

"Hey Ni," he says. 

I look over and give him a warm smile. He hands me a bowl of gummy bears from the store earlier. 

"Liam, can we talk?" I say.

Liam looks more afraid of what is going to come next than anything. 

"Don't worry, I still like you," I say.

He immediately relaxes.

"I want to start off with a question," I say.

I get off the couch and onto one knee, taking his hand in mine.

"Liam James Payne, will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, looking up to him. 

He hesitates, but eventually says, "Yes. YES! I would love too!"

He pulls me up into his arms and hugs me, kissing me on the lips. 

We pull away and I say, “That isn't all that I want to talk about."

One Direction- The Larry Stylinson Tragedy (Larry Stylinson and Niam Bromance)Where stories live. Discover now