Chapter Twenty - Waiting

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"SHE WHAT?!" I scream.

"She escaped or something," Liam says. "We just have to wait here till Paul or someone else gets here."

I start pacing back and forth and Louis suddenly grabs my hand. 

"Harry, calm down! You are going to give yourself a heart attack!" Louis says

He is right. I need to just relax. I sit down in the chair next to him, still holding his hand. 

"Louis, what did your nurse look like this morning?" Zayn asks slowly. 

"Her? Oh, she wasn't Olivia. This lady was much larger than her."

Zayn nods his head. 

"So what are we going to do until Paul gets here?" I ask.

"Well, luckily," Liam says. "I brought a few board games and some movies."

"Well what movies did you bring?" Louis asks. 

Liam lists 7 movies. Louis picks out a comedy that I haven't seen before. 

We put in the movie and Louis begs me to get on the bed next to him and I give in. I hop up on the bed and we watch the movie. 

The movie was actually pretty hilarious. Louis asked them to stop the movie at one part because he couldn’t stop laughing and he was hurting too much. So at least we could cheer him up. 

I wasn’t really focused on the movie. I was more focused on Louis and keeping him safe from the now missing Olivia. I swear if I ever see her, I am going to kill her. I can’t have her do anything to my Boo again. 

I think Louis can tell I am thinking about it because he is shaking me.

"Harry, Harry!" He says.

I snap out of my thought and look at him all confused.

"You are squeezing my hand really tight," Louis says. 

I loosen my grip on his hand.

"Louis, I'm sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you its just-"

"Hey, it’s fine. I would be angry at her too if I were you. Just try to relax," He says.

I nod my head and get comfortable again. 

We finish the movie and it is about 3 in the afternoon. We decide to just take this time and talk about whatever comes to mind. 

"Hey," Niall says. "We should play a game!"

"Well, what game?" I ask.

"Hmmm. How about truth or dare?" he asks. 

"Sure," We all agree. 

I just hope this doesn't go too out of hand like last time. 

"Liam, Truth or dare," Niall asks.


"I dare you to dance like a ballerina in the middle of the room." 

Liam gets up and starts to dance and twirl around. We all burst out laughing and Liam sits down, his face all red.

"Okay so harry, truth or dare."

"Dare," I say.

"I dare you to lick Louis nostril." Liam says.

"Really Liam?" Louis says. "Ugh, okay Harry. Go ahead."

I put my tongue in Louis nostril and gag wiping my tongue off.

One Direction- The Larry Stylinson Tragedy (Larry Stylinson and Niam Bromance)Where stories live. Discover now