Chapter 26 - I Only Sleep to Dream Forever With You

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We were laying on the bed, her head resting against my chest while sharing earphones as we listened to some music. My eyes darted to the ceiling as I sigh contentedly. Cornelia Street started playing Camila's iPod.

I heard her humming softly until she sings in a low voice, "And I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends, I'd never walk Cornelia Street again..."

I ran my fingers to her hair before playing with it. Her body shifted, she's now looking at me, "Have I told you that... if it's not gonna be you in the end, I don't want anyone else?"

I smiled and planted a soft kiss on her forehead and whispered, "You did."

"Good." Camila whispers back as she climbs on top of me. She smiled as she put her hand to my cheek. She leaned in and pressed her soft lips on my forehead. "My first thought in the morning is to kiss you, and I thought about kissing you yesterday and the day before that." And then Camila trailed her lips to the bridge of my nose, giving it a soft peck. "I know I'll think about kissing you tomorrow and the day after that and some more days after those days," Then my lips, "I think about kissing you slowly and tracing my fingers along your lips," And she went down to my neck, a soft moan escaped my mouth. "I think about kissing you in the rain and on your doorstep," She sucked the skin of my neck making sure it'll leave a mark before she pulled away meeting my gaze. A soft smile appeared on her face. "I think about kissing your neck, your cheek, your lips. I think about kissing only you, not just anyone else, just you."

I wrapped my arms around her neck, "I love the assurance," I responded before pulling her down and kissing her— so passionately and so sensual that it set the butterflies in my stomach on fire.

We made out for a good long minutes before Camila hopped off of the bed and went straight to the bathroom to take a bath. She has to leave early because of the club meeting. I let out a loud yawn before walking up to the kitchen to prepare a sandwich and her usual shake. I slip her sandwich in the ziplock and put it beside her shake.

I watched Camila walk out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped up to her body as she headed to the closet. She wore a red dress and a leather jacket on top before turning around to face me.

"How do I look?"

"Hot. Definitely hot and sexy and gorgeous."

Camila chuckled in response, "Have you met you?"

That made me smile, feeling my cheeks flustered at the compliment. "Is this your subtle way of telling me I'm irresistible?

A smug smirk plastered on her lips, "Maybe."

"Oh hey before I forgot, I made you your breakfast since you're running late for your meeting."

Camila looked over my shoulder before a sweet smile appeared on her face. "What did I do to deserve you?"

I shrugged, "Just by being you."

Camila steps forward, inching close. "I... you're the best." She pecked my lips quickly before snatching the sandwich and the shake by the kitchen counter before storming off.


"How are you enjoying yourself?" Mani asked, leaning in against the table. It wasn't a question but more like teasing.

"It was fun, not until Mr. Ashton Kutcher wanna be assigned me here to check the attendance."

My best friend giggled, "At least you're doing something good."

I knitted my eyebrows playfully at her comment, "And what does that mean?"

"Let's just say I'm hinting about character development."

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