-Quick Debrief

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°K! So before we go further into the story or start with the first chapter I'd like to debrief you all on what exactly my character is.

I've decided to make him a vampire. Originally, there weren't a lot of vampires in Tolkien's books, but they do exist in his works. (:

From the sites I have found that look slightly trustworthy, I have gathered some information that'll make this all more understandable.

'There are no mentions of them having existed after the First Age. They may have been fallen Maiar, lesser angelic spirits (as opposed to the Valar, the greater angelic spirits).'

'Tolkien may have just chosen the word "vampire" for its modern connotations of bat-associated monsters. A similar instance is the use of the word "Werewolf" by the same author to denote wolf-like creatures, otherwise possibly unrelated to traditional werewolves. However, in the context of the word "Vampire," Sauron did assume the form of such a creature numerous times. On one occasion, he flew over the forests "dripping blood from his throat." Furthermore, the vampire Thuringwethil, as her name connotes, was a "woman" of shadow.'


And a video I found by -Voice of Geekdom, which you can watch if you're interested. https://youtu.be/SFWdSwa_6nI

This is almost all I could get on vampires. I've also decided to add my little flare to the whole story.

Basically what people are saying, is that vampires are probably lower/fallen Maiar that shape-shift into bats. I find this explanation too basic for my story so for the sake of plot and lore I think I'll be sticking with a more original vampiric tale.

I'd like to think that vampires are fantasy creatures like any other hobbit or elf, just obviously more unheard of. A lot of them are also in service of Sauron.

Lesser Maiar do/can shift into bats but they are more or less half vampires if not something else entirely, vampires themselves are a species on their own.

•So in this book vampires can ideally go into the sun, it weakens them though and will perhaps make them nauseous after hours of exposure, but they won't poof into a cloud of dust.

•Secondly, they can survive off of animal blood, keyword- 'survive'.
It is not a pleasurable experience and often leaves a vampire drowsy or sick-ish. Human blood is preferred. Dwarf blood, as well as Elf blood or maybe even Hobbit blood, can suffice.

•They aren't truly dead, it also isn't fully necessary for them to breathe and, their hearts beat, just very slowly.

•I think it is also quite fitting for vampires to be some equivalent of a dark elf considering they are incredibly similar yet different in a few ways, such as diet and the fact that they're nocturnal.

•Vampires can be birthed from another vampire, yet it is something that doesn't happen often. Dhampirs are created from a female human and a male vampire, the chance of it being a female vampire and a male human is quite rare.

•Turning someone into a vampire can only happen if the victim has digested vampire blood or saliva, the victim also needs to be slightly drained because it makes the turning process easier. The vampire automatically becomes that fledgling sire if it is successful. Dhampirs can also be turned yet the chance of success is much less. (Only humans can be turned, including Dhampirs  because they have human DNA, no other species)

Hopefully, that sums everything up well enough, and I'll be editing this in the future if I find something I'd like to add to the overall vampire plot. Thank you for reading this, and I hope this was useful to those who are curious.

If anyone has more information on this I'd love to hear it. (:

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