𝟜 °Remembrance

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AN: I'm gonna do a quick Author's note before we start the chapter.

Originally this chapter was supposed to come out atleast two weeks ago, the reason it didn't come out was because my dog fell ill with Pyometra. Right after that we moved to a different house and I wasn't able to write at all then, and afterwards we where busy adjusting to the new house.

My reason for sharing this is because I haven't seen Pyometra talked about enough. (For those who don't know, it's a uterus infection in female dogs that haven't had offspring, this happens because the inner lining of the uterus ends up getting to thick.)

PLEASE get your female dog fixed if you do not plan on letting her have puppies. Pyometra is encredibly painful, and it costs more to get the surgery then getting your dog fixed in time. This CANNOT be resolved without surgery, your dogs uterus will burst and then the remaining organs will get infected, it's literally torture.

There's really only two options, and that's letting your dog get surgery or putting them down, my dog luckily got the surgery in time and has had a full recovery.

I thought I should spread awareness about this for other dog owners, a uterus infection is incredibly common but not talked about enough and I just wanted to give a warning to those who where oblivious to its existence.

Enjoy the chapter :)


•The night was coming to an end, the moon had started to sink to the edge of the sky.

Obnoxiously loud laughter rang through the air, Alnirŕ felt his ear twitch as another round followed .

The Vampires eyes glanced sideways, amusedly watching as Bomber catches a sausage that had been thrown at him, his chair snapped from the weight a second later.

One thing could be confidently said about Dwarves, without a fault, they had very little table manners.

As the night came to a close and the colors of the sunrise bloomed across the sky, they made their way out of Rivendell. Keeping in mind that they where to sneak out, Alnirŕ promptly took the lead, Thorins eyes observed him sharply.

It was as easy to get out of Rivendell as it was to get in, Imladris was no Mirkwood, and Alnirŕ had been able to get out of there without a scratch.

The company was absolutely horrible at being stealthy, he was able to hear each of their loud footsteps, only Biblo was slightly adequate.

He took in a deep breath, feeling the odd sensation of his lungs expanding, as unnecessary as breathing was for him it served a greater purpose.

Flavours and scents exploded into his mouth, he took another deep breath, trying to taste the air for Elf and trying to get pass the overwhelmingly musty and earthy scent of the Dwarves.

He concentrated his hearing and kept his body low, knees bent, as he passed through the shadows, the Dwarves, being as short as they where, didn't need to do much except stay quiet. Which, if Alnirŕ was being honest, they where failing horribly at.

It was a miracle they had made it as far as they had, when they had reached the stone steps that lead up towards the exit of Rivendell, Thorin took his rightfull position at the front of the group.

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