Part 5

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I drive to my father's hideout that we barely use and I help him go inside. I carefully sit him down on the couch and he moans in pain. I had no choice, if I didn't beat him up my father would've killed him. I lift up his shirt only to throw the damned files that led us to this mess on the floor. We're lucky he was wearing a mask otherwise he'd be a dead man. He finally opens his mouth and I rush to get him water but he shakes his head in disapproval.

-I want liquor- i know there's no point in arguing so I place a glass of whiskey in front of him and he chugs it down at once. He shoots glass after glass until I decide that he's had enough. I take the bottle away and he complains. I help him get to the bedroom and I sit him down on the end of the bed.

-Are you okay?- I stroke his swollen cheekbone and he nods. I feel so bad for hurting him that my chest tightens. I've never felt such things before. Taking his shirt off, I check his body for bruises. There are two small cuts, one on his hip and another one on his chest. I help him lie down before wetting a towel and running it over his hip cut. He hisses and I look up at him.

-You know why I did it right?- he nods and I kneel between his legs so I can clean the bruise better. I can tell by his narrowed eyes and his slow movements that he got himself drunk. I guess he did it to kill the pain.

He rests his body on his elbows and watches me pull his pants down a little, revealing his v line. A big mistake. I carefully observe his bare skin before placing a band aid on the cut.

I look up at him only to catch him biting his lower lip. I know he's doing it out of pain but I still find it tempting. Fuck this. I slowly run my hand up his abs before lightly stroking his neck. His heartbeat speeds up and so does mine. I can't take it anymore, touching isn't enough for me, I need to taste him. I caress his hip bone before leaning down to gently kiss it.

My self control is long lost at this point. I can't stop even if I have to. I have unconsciously yearned him for so long and now that I have the opportunity to finally feel him I can't stop. I know he's intoxicated, I am too by the warmth of his body, and I know it's wrong but he's looking at me with so much intensity that It's unbearable. I lift myself up and above him and I take a hold of his bruised cheek. He closes his eyes for a second before opening them again and giving me a look that causes me to lose any remaining restraints I had.

I rest my forehead on top of his and I notice how his breathing escalates. I purposely rub my knee on his crotch and he shifts under me with his mouth half open.
He's just as hard as i am which only motivates me to keep going. I try to unbutton his pants but he grabs my hand, stoping me from doing so. I know he's never been with a man before, neither have I, but I long for him. I want him right now and I have no explanation for my needs.

-Please, let me make you feel good- I whisper. He slowly removes his hand from mine and I continue to sink my hand into his pants. The moment my hand meets his private part he let's out a long held breath and his eyes roll to the back of his head.

I stroke him up and down as he tries not to whine but once I speed up he catches me off guard with a groan.

I bite my lip trying to go slow but hearing him make noises like that drives me crazy. My grip around him tightens and I jerk him harder. His mouth is wide open but there's no sound coming out of it so I know he's close. He grabs my neck and I can't help but let an evil smirk form on my lips.

He pulls me close until our lips brush and my whole body reacts to it to such an extent that I can't stop myself from biting his bottom lip. Fuck, I'm going to explode. Judging by his reaction to my bite, it only excites him more. This thing we're doing must not go on for long, otherwise it will cross all sorts of boundaries between us. That's if there's even any left.

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